Problem Description Write a program to read in a list of integers and determine whether or not each number is prime. A number, n, is prime if its only divisors are 1 and n. For this problem, the numbers 1 and 2 are not considered primes. Input Each i… Problem Description Write a program to read in a list of integers and determine whether or not each number is prime. A number, n, is prime if its only divisors are 1 and n. For this problem, the numbers…
题目连接 Primes Problem Description Given a number n, please count how many tuple$(p_1, p_2, p_3)$ satisfied that $p_1 \leq p_2 \leq p_3, $ $p_1,p_2,p_3$ are primes and $p_1 + p_2 + p_3 = n$. Input Multiple…
Problem Description 话说上回讲到海东集团推选老总的事情,最终的结果是XHD以微弱优势当选,从此以后,"徐队"的称呼逐渐被"徐总"所取代,海东集团(HDU)也算是名副其实了.创业是需要地盘的,HDU向钱江肉丝高新技术开发区申请一块用地,很快得到了批复,据说这是因为他们公司研发的"海东牌"老鼠药科技含量很高,预期将占全球一半以上的市场.政府划拨的这块用地是一个多边形,为了描述它,我们用逆时针方向的顶点序列来表示,我们很想了解这块地…
2019 杭电多校 1 1013 题目链接:HDU 6590 比赛链接:2019 Multi-University Training Contest 1 Problem Description After returning with honour from ICPC(International Cat Programming Contest) World Finals, Tom decides to say goodbye to ICPC and start a new period of l…