Working with Multiple Resolutions 多分辨率设置 A common scenario when creating apps or games is to target multiple devices with different screen sizes. CocosBuilder provides advanced tools for supporting multiple resolutions and relative positioning. You c…
Working with Animations 动画 You can use CocosBuilder for creating character animations, animating complete scenes or just about any animation you can imagine. The animation editor has full support for multiple resolutions, easing between keyframes, bo…
背景: 这两天不小心看了一下Swift的基础语法,感觉既然看了,还是写一下笔记,留个痕迹~ 总体而言,感觉Swift是一种前后端多种语言混合的产物~~~ 做为一名.NET阵营人士,少少多多总喜欢通过对比来加深认识. 所以做了一个简单的比较列表. 下面是基础语法的比较: Swift C#(4.0以上) 常量定义: let name=”” Const name=””; 变量定义: 指定类型: var name=”” var name:String=”c…