
20160214 survey of current RDF triple storage systems survey of semantic web stack inference mechanism embrace semantic web in giant data processing: graph computing? graph database search transformation? reasoning mechanism modified? 20160215 play A…
We recommend collecting test ideas continuously from a variety of information sources. Consider the following, and think about values, risks, opportunities; find shortcuts to cover what is important.1. Capabilities. The first and obvious test ideas d…
lazy形容词,懒惰的,毫无疑问是一个贬义词.但是,对于计算机领域,lazy却是非常重要的优化思想:把任务推迟到必须的时刻,好处是避免重复计算,甚至不计算.本文的目的是抛砖引玉,总结一些编程中的lazy idea,以期有一些启发.google "lazy"这个单词,在计算机领域高频出现三个词:lazy loading(惰性加载).lazy initializing(惰性初始化).lazy evaluation(惰性求值),本文并不刻意区分,因为不管是loading.initializi…
lazy形容词,懒惰的,毫无疑问是一个贬义词.但是,对于计算机领域,lazy却是非常重要的优化思想:把任务推迟到必须的时刻,好处是避免重复计算,甚至不计算.本文的目的是抛砖引玉,总结一些编程中的lazy idea,以期有一些启发.google “lazy”这个单词,在计算机领域高频出现三个词:lazy loading(惰性加载).lazy initializing(惰性初始化).lazy evaluation(惰性求值),本文并不刻意区分,因为不管是loading.initializing还是e…
This course is free on the Coursera Site,But it only has English version Threee pieces of the course overview: 1.opportunity analysis Canvas model Canvas:执行与验证 plan 1.3: By first understanding our motives and goals for the study…
About Blog主现高一,文化课和OI啥都不会 本Blog主太懒,所以很多内容都缩在一个文章里,如数学.图论大礼包 Ideas 看一个结论: \(n=0,n=1\)的时候显然成立 \(n\geq2\)时,假设\(n-1,n-2\)都成立,则:\(\sum_{i=k}^n\tbinom{i}{k}=\tbinom{n}{k}+\sum_{i=k}^{n-1}\tbinom{i}…
Blog Ideas How-to Post Case Studies Product + Service Updates Product Reviews Content Survey Current Trends Video Tutorials Event or Trade Show Recap Pro and Con Lists Myths in the IT Industry Customer Testimonials Common Mistakes Blog Round-Up Curre…
1. Business markets a. greater competition among companies b. increase in power of global companies c. rising demand in certain countries,like china,india and russia 2. External influence on businesses a. more discussion with customers before making…
k-means可以在不同的聚类点间加入计算该方向类内方差的方法改进,可以获得更好的效果: 可以通过爬虫方法在facebook上爬取与happy.sad相关的图片进行图片情感分类,并通过语义分析的方法提高对于文本情感的判断以提高分类准确率: 可以在图片分类前对图片进行轮廓线或者某种数学统计上的预处理,使得照片中的物体朝向尽量一致,以此来提高分类的准确率:在生成模型中这个办法也可以奏效,在现在很多生成模型生成的图片中,动物都是两个头的,如果对于输入图片进行朝向的调整,就可以缓解这种状况. 在输入前对…
Get your own compiler: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/testsudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install g++-4.9you can then compile using the command:g++-4.9 -std=c++14 -Wall -Werror -O2 -o helloworld helloworld.cpp Style Rules: Macros shou…