Introduction: Before the possibilities of the new C++ language standard, C++11, the use of templates was quite limited when it came to implementing for instance function objects (functors) & tuple facilities. Implementing these sort of things using…
1.Window.document对象 一.找到元素: docunment.getElementById("id"):根据id找,最多找一个: var a =docunment.getElementById("id");将找到的元素放在变量中: docunment.getElementsByName("name"):根据name找,找出来的是数组: docunment.getElementsByTagName("…
C++11 1.long long新类型 2.列表初始化 int t=0; int t={0}; int t(0); int t{0}; 注意:如果我们使用列表初始化有丢失信息的风险,则编译器报错 long double ld=3.1415926536; int a{ld},b={ld};//错误 int c(ld),d=ld;//正确,会丢失数据 3.空指针nullptr int *p1=nullptr; int *p2=0; int *p3=NULL;//尽量避免 4.constexpr类型…