问题描述: 我的应用当中集成了一个安全相关的sdk,而这个sdk中使用的so是加过壳的. 它加载native so的方式是:Java System.loadLibrary --> native so 壳 --> 内存中脱壳 --> 写到/data/data/package/files/libxxx.so --> c 中调用dlopen. 此时dlopen报错dlopen failed: couldn't map "/data/data/package/files/libx…
转自:https://blog.csdn.net/u013270444/article/details/60869376 问题描述: 我的应用当中集成了一个安全相关的sdk,而这个sdk中使用的so是加过壳的. 它加载native so的方式是:Java System.loadLibrary ——> native so 壳 ——> 内存中脱壳 ——> 写到/data/data/package/files/libxxx.so ——> c 中调用dlopen. 此时dlopen报错dl…
zabbix 启动报错 cannot set resource limit: [13] Permission denied 1.zabbix-server 启动报错 报错信息如下: ::140823.988 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf ::] Permission denied ::140823.988 cannot disable core dump, exiting... :: (revision ). 2…
项目中安卓强制更新,当文件下载完.在android 8.0中不能打开apk包. 引入插件报一下错误 import { FileOpener } from '@ionic-native/file-opener'; constructor(private fileOpener: FileOpener) { } ... this.fileOpener.open('path/to/file.pdf', 'application/pdf') .then(() => console.log('File is…
背景 在docker容器中部署了一微服务,该服务需要docker push镜像到docker registry.因此,docker容器中需要安装docker服务.但在启动容器的时候,却报错: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Permission denied (you must be root) Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded. 原因 在容器中部署docker服务,而do…
node-pre-gyp WARN Using needle for node-pre-gyp https download node-pre-gyp WARN Pre-built binaries not installable for fsevents@1.2.7 and node@10.14.1 (node-v64 ABI, unknown) (falling back to source compile with node-gyp) node-pre-gyp WARN Hit error…
切换分支时报错: error: cannot stat ‘'web/js': Permission denied 解决方法:退出编辑器.浏览器.资源管理器等,然后再切换就可以了.…
zabbix-server启动时出现以下错误: 2912:20180326:050930.023 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf 2912:20180326:050930.023 cannot set resource limit: [13] Permission denied 2912:20180326:050930.023 cannot disable core dump, exiting... 2916:20…
问题出现原因: 因为远程提交hadoop的任务的情况下如果,没有hadoop 的系统环境变量,就会读取当前主机的用户名,所以Hadoop集群的节点中没有该用户名的权限,所以出现的异常. 解决方法: System.setProperty("HADOOP_USER_NAME","hadoop2.7"); Hadoop2.7是有hadoop集群节点权限的用户…
在platform --> android目录下找到build.gradle文件,打开并在def promptForReleaseKeyPassword() {...}函数前加入以下内容: 完整报错 BUILD FAILED Total time: 19.142 secs ERROR: In <declare-styleable> FontFamilyFont, unable to find attribute android:ttcIndex FAILURE: Build failed…