The 3ds Max file format, not too much documentation to be found about it. There are some hints here and there about how it's built up, but there exists no central documentation on it. Right now we are in the following situation. A few thousand of max…
At this point, you should start to familiarize yourself a bit with the publicly available 3ds Max API documentation. The contents of the file map practically 1:1 with how the system is built up internally. Most important is the inheritance of the cla…
AVEVA PDMS to 3ds Max - RvmTranslator6.0beta RvmTranslato6.0 translate PDMS RVM to 3ds Max by MAXScript. The MAXScipt is like the PML of PDMS. MAXScript can be used as a high-level scene import utility for 3ds Max. By outputting MAXScri…
Hi, This is quick tutorial: how to install Auto Cad scripts to be able to copy from newer Auto Cad to older 3ds Max. (eg. Auto Cad 2018 -> 3ds Max 2016 or older) It happens when using Copy Paste DWG script - you may get this error message (see below)…
运行 3ds Max 时性能减慢或迟缓通常是由于视频配置冲突或内存分配问题引起的.关于性能问题的一大难点在于缩小范围确定问题原因.以下是一些限制 3ds Max 操作的常见情形,以及纠正这些问题可以采取的步骤. 问题及解决方案 3ds Max 速度降低 3ds Max 启动缓慢 文件打开时间长 打开或拖动对话框时响应迟缓 3ds Max 速度降低 在扩展会话中,尤其是在已创建渲染或广泛使用位图材质的会话中,3ds Max 可能会由于内存分配而降低速度.在您关闭并重新启动 3ds Ma…
本文为大便一箩筐的原创内容,转载请注明出处,谢谢: 这几天在给公司的美术编写3ds max 2009使用的插件,遇到了一些问题,在此记录一下解决方案 一.调试3ds max插件的一个小技巧 这个我是参考了其他人的博客: 简单来说就是在3ds max sdk提供的接口的基础上再做一层封装,将实际的插件逻辑写在一个新的DLL里,…