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I am a software engineer in Facebook. I joined Facebook a year ago and now doing some iOS stuff. If you are interested in Facebook and good at algorithm and software developing, don't hesitate to send me your resume. I will filter roughly at the firs…
https://blog.step.com/2016/04/08/an-open-source-project-for-tech-salaries/ Step.com Crowdsource your pay from NYC startups and hiring experts Menu Blog Home Go to Step.com Search for: Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft Salaries           i   86 V…
80% of Your Culture is Your Founder     When Molly Graham joined Facebook in 2008, the company still felt scrappy. With 400 employees serving 80 million users, people were so busy “moving fast and breaking things” that the culture still needed to be…
Realtime Updates for Payments are an essential method by which you are informed of changes to orders made through Facebook Payments within your app. Facebook has built Realtime Updates for Payments with a focus on reliability, allowing your app to de…
Tech companies dominate Glassdoor’s ranking of the highest paying companies in the U.S., snagging 20 of the top 25 spots. But no tech company ranks higher than Juniper Networks, which pays its workers a median total compensation of $157,000. The next…
SDK接入(1)之Android Facebook SDK接入 由于游戏已上线,且处于维护阶段,所以有空写写各种SDK接入过程和遇到的问题,也当作一种工作总结.SDK接入主流分为这么几类,登录.支付.分享.推送.统计等,达到借'他山之石'的效果.顺便吐槽下,现在国内是个渠道就弄个所谓的自己的SDK,各种文档更新不及时.文档与Sample不对应.Sample测试不全或运行报错.技术支持沟通无人回复等,真是深受其害. (1)接入前准备工作 需科学上网(FQ,VPN什么的自己解决),注册Faceboo…
本文转自:http://andrewlock.net/an-introduction-to-oauth-2-using-facebook-in-asp-net-core/ This is the next post in a series on authentication and authorisation in ASP.NET Core. In this post I look in moderate depth at the OAuth 2.0 protocol as it pertain…
本文转自:https://www.asp.net/mvc/overview/security/create-an-aspnet-mvc-5-app-with-facebook-and-google-oauth2-and-openid-sign-on This tutorial shows you how to build an ASP.NET MVC 5 web application that enables users to log in using OAuth 2.0  with cred…
2015-02-26 孙镜涛  InfoQ Eric Florenzano最近在自己的博客上发表了一篇题为<Facebook教我们如何构建网站>的文章,他认为软件开发有些时候需要比较大的跨越,而这将会在2015年再次上演,主角们则是Facebook的React.js.Relay和GraphQL. Eric Florenzano在该文章中提到:2003年Brad Fitzpatrick发布了Memcached,由此开启了LiveJournal架构的时代:2004年Google发布了MapRedu…
参考网址:http://www.mrfangge.com/facebook-page-share-settings/ 首先在facebook 注册开发者,新增一个应用,这里就要一个生所的应用 app_id 和 应用指定的域名 下面的就是简单了 (以下内容来自  http://www.mrfangge.com/facebook-page-share-settings/) 以前share.php已经遗弃了,取而代之的新的分享方法用feed的方式 其实就是一个链接 https://www.facebo…