Description During the programming classes Vasya was assigned a difficult problem. However, he doesn't know how to code and was unable to find the solution in the Internet, so he asks you to help. You are given a sequence a, consisting of ndistinct i…
本文版权归ljh2000和博客园共有,欢迎转载,但须保留此声明,并给出原文链接,谢谢合作. 本文作者:ljh2000 作者博客:转载请注明出处,侵权必究,保留最终解释权! Description During the programming classes Vasya was assigned a difficult problem. However, he doesn't know how to code and was…
对于任意一棵节点数为 n 的二叉树,NULL 指针的数目为  n+1 , 线索树就是利用这些 "浪费" 了的指针的数据结构. Definition: "A binary tree is threaded by making all right child pointers that would normally be null point to the inorder successor of the node, and all left child pointers tha…
剑指offer第8题,本来想找leetcode上对应的题,后来没找到,直接去牛客网上刷了. 题目描述: 给定一个二叉树和其中的一个结点(pNode),请找出中序遍历顺序的下一个结点并且返回.注意,树中的结点不仅包含左右子结点,同时包含指向父结点的指针. 分析 我看到这道题的第一个想法,就是不用管左子树.因为中序遍历,左子树是之前访问过了,所以下一个节点只有两种可能. 一.在右子树 二.在父亲节点的部分 分情况讨论: 一.在右子树 如果右子树只有一个节点那还好说,那么下一个节点就是右子节点.但是如…
D. Tree Construction time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output During the programming classes Vasya was assigned a difficult problem. However, he doesn't know how to code and was una…
Given a binary tree, find all leaves and then remove those leaves. Then repeat the previous steps until the tree is empty. Example: Given binary tree 1 / \ 2 3 / \ 4 5 Returns [4, 5, 3], [2], [1]. Explanation: 1. Remove the leaves [4, 5, 3] from the…
二叉树 在计算机科学中,二叉树是每个结点最多有两个子树的有序树.通常子树的根被称作“左子树”(left subtree)和“右子树”(right subtree).二叉树常被用作二叉查找树和二叉堆或是二叉排序树.二叉树的每个结点至多只有二棵子树(不存在出度大于2的结点),二叉树的子树有左右之分,次序不能颠倒.二叉树的第i层至多有2的 i -1次方个结点:深度为k的二叉树至多有2^(k) -1个结点:对任何一棵二叉树T,如果其终端结点数(即叶子结点数)为,出度为2的结点数为,则=+ 1. 基本形态…
D. Tree Construction 题目连接: Description During the programming classes Vasya was assigned a difficult problem. However, he doesn't know how to code and was unable to find the solution in the Internet, so…
接着第四课的内容,加入部分第五课的内容,主要介绍树形dp和LRU 第一题: 给定一棵二叉树的头节点head,请返回最大搜索二叉子树的大小 二叉树的套路 统一处理逻辑:假设以每个节点为头的这棵树,他的最大搜索二叉子树是什么.答案一定在其中 第一步,列出可能性(最难部分) 1.可能来自左子树上的某课子树 2.可能来自右子树上的某课子树 3.整颗都是(左右子树都是搜索二叉树并且左子树最大小于该节点,右子树最小大于该节点) 第二步,收集信息: 1.左树最大搜索子树大小 2.右树最大搜索子树大小 3.左树…
LeetCode 二叉树,两个子节点的最近的公共父节点 二叉树 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree 二叉树的最近公共父亲节点 /** * Definition for a…