const pointers】的更多相关文章

1 指针 p对应的地址是常量,但是里面存放的data不是常量 2 地址里存放的data是常量,但是地址不是常量 3 地址和指针都是常量…
原地址 Pointers In earlier chapters, variables have been explained as locations in the computer's memory which can be accessed by their identifier (their name). This way, the program does not need to care…
Background C++ is one of the main development languages used by many of Google's open-source projects. As every C++ programmer knows, the language has many powerful features, but this power brings with it complexity, which in turn can make code more…
The first motivation for const seems to have been to eliminate the use of preprocessor #define for value substitution. It has since been put to use for pointers, function arguments, return types, class objects and member functions. (Page 334) 1 Value…
整理日: 2015年3月18日 引用(reference)和指针(pointer)是学C++过程中最令人头疼的问题,常常不知道什么时候用哪个合适,又常常弄混.找到Dan Saks的这篇文章,讲的很清楚,强烈推荐,所以翻译一下供大家参考. 以下译自Dan Saks的文章 References vs. Pointers 了解引用reference与指针pointer到底有什么不同可以帮助你决定什么时候该用reference,什么时候该用pointer. 在C++ 中,reference在很多方面与指…
1三个概念 字符串字面值是一串常量字符(是一个常量),字符串字面值常量用双引号括起来的零个或多个字符表示,为兼容C语言,C++中所有的字符串字面值都由编译器自动在末尾添加一个空字符.字符串字面值的类型就是  const char 类型的数组.标准库函数 strlen 用于计算 C 风格字符串中的字符个数, 不包括 null 结束符. C++风格字符串:string 那么string a1=“hello”//这个就是string  string a2=a1+"world"//其中a1 是…
Just like normal variables, pointers can be declared constant. There are two different ways that pointers and const can be intermixed, and they are very easy to mix up. To declare a const pointer, use the const keyword between the asterisk and the po…
Chapter 一: 条款 1 :视 C++为一个语言联邦 (P41 ) c++其实可以视为有四个部分: C Object-Oriented C++ Template C++ STL 条款 2:尽量以 const ,enum , inline 替换 #define ( P43 ) 可翻译为"宁可以编译器替换预处理器" (大写名称通常用于宏,const一般用单词开头大写) Specially: class里的常量很多时候声明为static const xxx (至多有一份实体) 然而这只…
我根据自己的理解,对原文的精华部分进行了提炼,并在一些难以理解的地方加上了自己的"可能比较准确"的「翻译」. Chapter 1 让自己习惯C++ 条款 1 :视 C++为一个语言联邦 (P41 ) c++其实可以视为有四个部分: C (C++实际上以C为基础) Object-Oriented C++ (C++面向对象) Template C++ (C++泛型编程) STL (template程序库) 条款 2:尽量以 const ,enum , inline 替换 #define (…
Google C++ Style Guide   Table of Contents Header Files Self-contained Headers The #define Guard Forward Declarations Inline Functions Names and Order of Includes Scoping Namespaces Unnamed Namespaces and Static Variables Nonmember, Static Member, an…