title: [线性代数]3-1:向量空间(Space of Vectors) categories: Mathematic Linear Algebra keywords: Vectors Space Subspace Column Space Span toc: true date: 2017-09-19 17:40:30 Abstract: 本章介绍线性代数的核心内容,关于Vectors Space和subspace的一些观点,本文作为第一篇,主要说明基础知识 Keywords: 向量空间…
有那么一句话 不懂word2vec,就别说自己是研究人工智能->机器学习->自然语言处理(NLP)->文本挖掘的 所以接下来我就从头至尾的详细讲解一下word2vec这个东西. 简要介绍 先直接给出维基百科上最权威的解释(大家英语水平够格的话一定要充分理解这个最权威的解释,比国内的某些长篇啰嗦解释简直不知道简洁清楚多少倍!): Word2vec is a group of related models that are used to produce word embeddings. T…
Recently, I compared a few methods for compressing generic unit vectors. The method used in Cry Engine 3 for compressing normal vectors is irrelevant here, because it has a limitation that the z component cannot be -1. Since it's only designed for vi…
http://www.sunandblackcat.com/tipFullView.php?topicid=28   This lesson shows how to implement different Parallax Mapping techniques in GLSL and OpenGL (same techniques are used to implement Parallax Mapping in DirectX). Following techniques will be d…
Chapter 1 Vector Algebra ♦ Vector Space Vector and vector space A vector is described as a quantity that has both direction and length.  A vector space is a collection of these geometic objects that can be added together and multiplied by numbers. Wh…
说明: 注意几点: 0 行向量右乘矩阵与列向量左乘矩阵,两个矩阵互为逆矩阵 1 法线转换与mul,mul函数左乘矩阵当列矩阵计算,右乘当行矩阵计算 2 叉乘与左右手系,左手系用左手,右手系用右手,axb四指指向a,向b旋转(沿小与两个角度180的方向转),拇指的方向是叉乘方向 3 unity观察系的z方向,unity观察系是右手系,其他都是本地坐标,世界坐标,投影坐标都是左手系,所以观察系轴反向 4 投影系中w与uv伸展方向关系,w=1或-1 uv伸展正向或反向 http://blog.csdn…
+BIT祝威+悄悄在此留下版了个权的信息说: [译]为任意网格计算tangent空间的基向量 Computing Tangent Space Basis Vectors for an Arbitrary Mesh (Lengyel’s Method) Modern bump mapping (also known as normal mapping) requires that tangent plane basis vectors be calculated for each vertex i…
转自:https://blog.csdn.net/Vince_/article/details/88982802 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明.本文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/Vince_/article/details/88982802长文慎入-- 调度系统是现代操作系统非常核心的基础子系统之一,尤其在多任务并行操作系统(Multitasking OS)上,系统可能运行于单核或者多核CPU上,进程可…
重要性和意义: Image-text matching has received a large amount of interest since it associates different modalities and improves the understanding of image and natural language. Image-text matching is an emerging task that matches instance from one modality…
1. 问题描述 给你若干篇文档,找出这些文档中最相似的两篇文档? 相似性,可以用距离来衡量.而在数学上,可使用余弦来计算两个向量的距离. \[cos(\vec a, \vec b)=\frac {\vec a*\vec b}{||\vec a||*||\vec b||}\] 因此,用向量来表示文档,然后就可以用余弦来计算两篇文章之间的相似度了. 2. 词袋模型 一篇文档里面有很多很多句子,每个句子又是由一个个的词组成.词袋模型,通俗地讲,就是:把一篇文档看成词袋,里面装着一个个的词. 从而,将一…