RabbitMq related】的更多相关文章

# RabbitMq related Integration of message queuing tools with systems is the usual solution to handle high concurrency in web platforms, there are several queues to choose from, but most often used is an opensource tool written in ErLang. ErLang is sa…
配置文件Config 在Web的可视化管理界面中可以看到一些文件的路径 比如 Config文件的地址 数据库存放的文件夹 log文件的地址 进入到这个文件夹会发现有这些文件,其中example是config的示例文件,事实上config文件是空的,我们需要从示例文件中拷贝代码到config中 下面是示例文件的全部内容,其中有一些需要我们关注的 tcp_listeners 端口设置,这里默认的是5672.这边还提供了另一种设置方法 {tcp_listeners, [}]} 日志输出级别设置,默认是…
我对rabbitmq学习还不深入,这些翻译仅仅做资料保存,希望不要误导大家. There’s a dirty secret about creating queues and exchanges in Rabbit: by default they don’t survive reboot. That’s right; restart your RabbitMQ server and watch those queues and exchanges go poof (along with the…
%% -*- mode: erlang -*-%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------%% RabbitMQ Sample Configuration File.%%%% See http://www.rabbitmq.com/configure.html for details.%% -----------------------------------------------…
Server management the Erlang node and the Erlang application Starting nodes multiple Erlang applications can run inside the same node an application on node asparagus can call functions in applications running on node artichoke as though those functi…
MQ全称为Message Queue, 消息队列(MQ)是一种应用程序对应用程序的通信方法.应用程序通过读写出入队列的消息(针对应用程序的数据)来通信,而无需专用连接来链接它们.消息传递指的是程序之间通过在消息中发送数据进行通信,而不是通过直接调用彼此来通信,直接调用通常是用于诸如远程过程调用的技术.排队指的是应用程序通过 队列来通信.队列的使用除去了接收和发送应用程序同时执行的要求 Linux下安装RabbitMQ 环境:Linux(CentOS 7.2) 1.安装Erlang环境,Erlan…
现象: RabbitMQ GUI上显示 Network partition detectedMnesia reports that this RabbitMQ cluster has experienced a network partition. There is a risk of losing data. Please read RabbitMQ documentation about network partitions and the possible solutions. 原因分析:…
Clustering and Network Partitions RabbitMQ clusters do not tolerate network partitions well. If you are thinking of clustering across a WAN, don't. You should use federation or the shovel instead. However, sometimes accidents happen. This page docume…
在RabbitMQ3.4.x中会出现脑裂的现象,本文通过实验验证此脑裂现象,愿小伙伴们少走弯路. Preview 网上有两篇帖子(需要FQ) https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rabbitmq-users/dt8VFhMb2zM https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rabbitmq-users/06OQkYtLJd8 陈述了脑裂的现象. 帖子中描述现象: Hey Folk, i just set up a…
AMQP 0-9-1 Model Explained — RabbitMQ http://next.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/amqp-concepts.html AMQP 0-9-1 Model Explained About This Guide This guide provides an overview of the the AMQP 0-9-1 protocol, one of the protocols supported by RabbitMQ. High-l…