安装过程: python包是从C++包中编译出来的,所以需要将源码下载进行编译安装 1.GDAL中的矢量数据处理OGR依赖于Geos,在安装GDAL之前要安装Geos Geos的下载地址:http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-3.5.0.tar.bz2 cd geos-3.5.0 ./configure --prefix=/opt/source/geos-3.5.0/build --enable-python make make install ./build/…
GDAL is a useful command line tool to process spatial data, if you haven’t heard of the tool before some examples of what it can do are: Create contours from a DEM Create a TMS tile structure Rasterize vector into a raster file Build a quick mosaic f…
hese steps worked for me on a Fedora system: 1.) download the 3 files related to oracle instant client: instantclient-basic-linux32- instantclient-sqlplus-linux32- instantclient-sdk-linux32- 2.) unzip to a user loc…