If you try and connect to a p2 repository on a server with a self-signed cert, you will more than likely hit the following error. Looking closely at the log, and you will see: javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated at sun.se…
Eclipse 发布到网站的附加产品的形式 Update Site 通过Update Site Project项目将自己做的插件产品公布到公网上,给客户或其它測试人员下载和应用,这样自己的插件就以网站的形式暴露给公众了,谁都能够下载下来试用它. 1. 创建Plug-inProject项目 首先我们先依照Eclipse的向导开发一个插件. watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQvbHVvd3cx/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400…
Reference Eclipse Launcher Running update manager from command line   好多次为window下的eclipse不能拿到linux下直接使用苦恼,幻想直接调用java -jar启动,这里有命令,但是如果所使用的共享库不兼容的话还是不行,如果兼容应该可以,加入丢了eclipse那个可恶的executable launcher的话.详情见官网help.     http://mcuoneclipse.com/2014/07/03/re…
当升级jenkins插件时,如果链接的update site用的自签名证书,可以用这个选项来启动Jenkins,来跳过签名验证:  -Dhudson.model.DownloadService.noSignatureCheck=true…
解决方案: jenkins\hudson.model.UpdateCenter.xml 文件, 将 url 中的 https://updates.jenkins.io/update-center.json 更改为 http://updates.jenkins.io/update-center.json 即去掉 https 中的 s . 或者更改为 https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/jenkins/updates/update-center.json 解决:…
这样启动 nohup java -Dhudson.model.DownloadService.noSignatureCheck=true -jar jenkins.war > jenkins.log 2>&1 --httpPort=9090 &…
http://www.aptana.com/products/studio3/success_plugin.html Installing via Eclipse Please copy the following Update Site URL to your clipboard and then follow the steps listed below to add this URL to your Available Software Sites list. Attempting to…
http://wiki.eclipse.org/Linux_Tools_Project/PluginInstallHelp http://wiki.eclipse.org/Linux_Tools_Project/User_Guides Linux Tools Project/PluginInstallHelp < Linux Tools Project Installing Linux Tools Project Content This article teaches users how to…
官方文档在这里 Install JDK Download JDK and install them. The least version should be 1.5. I use 1.6. Sorry, no instruction for this. Install Eclipse 3.3 Download Eclipse 3.3 from www.eclipse.org. I use Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. You should at leas…
PHPeclipse是什么? PHPeclipse是Eclipse的一个插件,它为php开发人员提供了一个集成的开发环境.Eclipse官方下载地址:http://www.eclipse.org/ PHPeclipse这个插件包括的功能有:PHP语法分析,调试,代码格式化,大纲视图,代码模板定制等. PHPEclipse的官方网站是:http://www.phpeclipse.de/,http://www.phpeclipse.net/,http://www.phpeclipse.de/,htt…
http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GROOVY/Install+Groovy-Eclipse+Plugin http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GROOVY/Create+Your+First+Groovy+Project Groovy-Eclipse is the set of Eclipse plugins that provide Eclipse support for Groovy projects. Installation…
Eclipse发布了最新的Virgo Tomccat Server.VTS是一个应用服务器与OSGi紧密结合并且可以开发bundles形式的Spring web apps应用,他们同样拥有OSGi和Spring的特性.真是太好了,所以我想尝试下.但是很多人和我一样没有接触过VTS的开发工作.VTS的入门有些困难, 网上有些新手文档但是大部分需要有Spring DM Server的相关开发经验,所以我决定记录我的入门经验帮助从未用过Spring和VTS的新手.如果你了解OSGi和知道怎么开发OSG…
Introduction This chapter will present an implementation recipe for an enterprise log storage and a search and analysis solution based on the Storm processor. Log data processing isn't necessarily a problem that needs solving again; it is, however, a…
Markdown版本笔记 我的GitHub首页 我的博客 我的微信 我的邮箱 MyAndroidBlogs baiqiantao baiqiantao bqt20094 baiqiantao@sina.com 目录 目录内存泄漏检测实践翻译:使用 Memory Profiler 查看 Java 堆和内存分配为什么应分析您的应用内存Memory Profiler 概览如何计算内存查看内存分配在分析时提高应用程序性能查看全局JNI引用捕获堆转储[重要]将堆转储另存为 HPROF分析内存的技巧MAT…
spring是一个类之间依赖的管理容器,大家都知道,但我们中很多人都仅仅停留在使用的层面,但spring本身具有极大的研究价值,所以在使用了几年spring之后,还是想深入的探究一下其根源.记录于此,愿与各位共享. spring有很多功能模块,从spring的官网doc 我们可以看到其分了29个部分,当然主要内容是从chapter 5 IoC开始的.现在来说明一下接下来要各个部分,我们要分析的内容.对于每个大的模块,我们会深入分析各个模块的源码,深入理解这些实现方式,并通过scala来实现一个山…
Installing the Eclipse Plugin Android offers a custom plugin for the Eclipse IDE, called Android Development Tools (ADT). This plugin provides a powerful, integrated environment in which to develop Android apps. It extends the capabilities of Eclipse…
http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/installing-adt.html   Download the ADT Plugin Start Eclipse, then select Help > Install New Software. Click Add, in the top-right corner. In the Add Repository dialog that appears, enter "ADT Plugin"…
欢迎关注我的社交账号: 博客园地址: http://www.cnblogs.com/jiangxinnju/p/4781259.html GitHub地址: https://github.com/jiangxincode 知乎地址: https://www.zhihu.com/people/jiangxinnju eclipse插件在线发布发布和版本更新(web site) 在eclipse插件开发过程中免不了要发布1.0, 1.1, 1.2--.等等,随着版本的递增,假如每次都发布一个插件zi…
Eclipse plugin web site 发布和版本更新 在eclipse插件开发过程中免不了要发布1.0, 1.1, 1.2…….等等,随着版本的递增,假如每次都发布一个插件zip包,那使用者就想骂街了,每次都要先uninstall,然后install,中间还要两次eclipse的重启. 一般第三方插件会有2中形式共developer使用,一种是发布zip包,另一种是发布一个web site,eclipse对web site的支持相当好.Install时只需copy插件资源的URL(插件…
Eclipse offers an integrated development environment having an extensible plug-in system. This enables Eclipse to provide all functionality on the top of its run-time system. It’s also different from other applications (where the functionality provid…
转载地址:https://code.google.com/p/veloeclipse/issues/detail?id=47 I tried to install veloeclipse 2.0.8 in eclipse luna via the update site but kept getting a "Failed to prepare partial IU: [R]com.googlecode.veloeclipse.ui 2.0.8" error right at the…
1. Start Eclipse, then select Help > Install New Software... 2. Enter the update site URL into the Work with text box: http://www.nodeclipse.org/updates/ or the one that is quicker but changes every release http://dl.bintray.com/nodeclipse/nodeclipse…
Installation Requirements: Eclipse 4.5 (Mars) or later. Java VM version 8 or later. Gocode and Go oracle. Instructions: Use your existing Eclipse, or download a new Eclipse package from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/. For an Eclipse package withou…
欢迎关注我的社交账号: 博客园地址: http://www.cnblogs.com/jiangxinnju/p/4781259.html GitHub地址: https://github.com/jiangxincode 知乎地址: https://www.zhihu.com/people/jiangxinnju Origin Article: Peer Code Reviews Made Easy with Eclipse Plug-In Origin Author: John Ferguso…
原文网址:http://www.crifan.com/try_with_python_ide_eclipse_pydev/ 之前已经介绍过了一些基本知识: [整理][多图详解]如何在Windows下开发Python:在cmd下运行Python脚本,如何使用Python Shell(command line模式和GUI模式),如何使用Python IDE 并且也折腾一些Python的IDE了: [记录]使用Python的IDE:PyScripter [记录]使用Python的IDE:Ulipad…
http://download.aptana.com/studio3/plugin/install Aptana Update Site This site is designed to be used though the Eclipse or Aptana update manager. Installing this Plugin via Aptana or Eclipse From the Help menu, select Install New Software... to open…
1.下载egit插件http://www.eclipse.org/egit/ http://www.eclipse.org/egit/download/ Installing the Latest Release: To install via one of the update site URLs listed below, copy and paste it into the “Help > Install new software” dialog.…
参考: Java手机游戏开发实例简明教程 http://dev.10086.cn/blog/?uid-82940-action-viewspace-itemid-1772 Eclipse下载: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/ 下载3.6.1版本.(32位版本) http://dev.10086.cn/blog/?uid-82940-action-viewspace-itemid-1772 语言包下载: Eclipse 3.6.1下载…
Quicklinks If you know what this is all about and you just need the update site details: name: GNU ARM Eclipse Plug-ins URL: http://gnuarmeclipse.sourceforge.net/updates Prerequisites Since these are Eclipse plug-ins, they obviously require a functio…
 Note for users in China Note: if you are behind the Great Firewall of China, you are very likely to encounter problems installing GoClipse: blocked connections, timeouts, or slow downloads. This is because the update site is hosted in Github, which…