The Project Oxygen team spent one year data-mining performance appraisals, employee surveys, nominations for top manager awards and other sources. The result was more than 10,000 observations of manager behaviors. The research team complemented the q…
How To Start Building Spatially Aware Apps With Google’s Project Tango “Tango can enable a whole new range of applications that simply weren’t possible before.” On a fundamental basis, a smartphone’s camera is not really a camera at all. Sure, it can……
Teaching Your Computer To Play Super Mario Bros. – A Fork of the Google DeepMind Atari Machine Learning Project Posted by ehrenbrav on August 25, 2016Leave a comment (14)Go to comments   For those who want to get right to the good stuff, the installa… Google Go Programming In Eclipse   The new “Go” programming language is from Google co.It has many features better then other languages. Go language features are:- – High Spe…
一.申请clientID 二.开启Google+ API权限 三.添加同意画面 四.建立新的用户端ID(一个域名对应一个ID) 五.显示页面js登录按钮 案例地址: 参考代…
原文 google map v2 Google Map v1已经在2013年的3月开始停止支持了,目前若要在你的Android手机上使用到Google Map,就必须要使用到Google Map v2的版本.在Xamarin要使用Google Map v2之前,必需要做的动作有下列几项: 从你计算机里的keystore里面查询个人的指纹凭证(SHA1). 用SHA1指纹凭证到Google APIs网站申请key. 在Xamarin里的Android SDK Man…
pom <!-- --> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>gcm-server</artifactId> <version>1.0.0</version> </dependency> Demo…
     以下资料整理自网络 一.Google Guava入门介绍 引言 Guavaproject包括了若干被Google的 Java项目广泛依赖 的核心库,比如:集合 [collections] .缓存 [caching] .原生类型支持 [primitives support] .并发库 [concurrency libraries] .通用注解 [common annotations] .字符串处理 [string processing] .I/O 等等. 全部这些工具每天都在被Googl…
這一篇要討論如何使用Xamarin.Android 整合GCM以及Windows Azure來實作Android手機上的推播通知服務. 這篇文章比較著重概念的部分,在開始讀這篇之前,也可以先參考一下Xamarin網站上的文章原文來了解Android GCM的運作邏輯: Remote Notifications:An Overview of Remote Notifications in Xamarin.Android…