LCA UESTC 92 Journey】的更多相关文章

题目传送门 题意:先给一棵树,然后有一条额外的边,问u走到v从现在最短的路走和原来不加边走的路节省了多少距离 分析:首先跑不加边的树的LCA,这样能求出任意两点的距离,那么现在x和y多连了一条边,如果能节省路程那一定是走了xy这条边,那么暴力枚举组合,比如求u到v,新边xy,ans = min (ans, min (dux + dxy + dyv, duy + dyx + dxv)) #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include &…
Journey Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Bob has traveled to byteland, he find the N cities in byteland formed a tree structure, a tree structure is very special structure, there is exa…
题目连接: 题意:给定一棵树,最后给加一条边,给定Q次查询,每次查询加上最后一条边之后是否比不加这条边要近,如果近的话,输出近多少,否则输出0 思路:没加最后一条边之前两点之间的距离是dis(u) + dis(v) - 2*dis(lca(u, v)); 加上之后就是必须要经过这两个点.(假设最后添加的一条边的端点为x和y,权值为w)min(dis(u, x) + dis(v, y) + w, dis(u, y)…
原题链接: 题意: 给你一棵树,然后在树上连接一条边.现在有若干次询问,每次问你两个点(u,v)之间的距离在加那条边之后减小了多少. 题解: 对于那条加入的边,只有两种情况,要么走,要么不走.不走的距离就是$dis[u]+dis[v]-2*dis[LCA(u,v)]$,其中$dis$表示点到根节点的距离,LCA表示最近公共祖先.现在考虑走的情况:设加入的那条边是$(a,b)$,边权是c,那么答案显然是: $$min…
Description Bob has traveled to byteland, he find the N cities in byteland formed a tree structure, a tree structure is very special structure, there is exactly one path connecting each pair of nodes, and a tree with N nodes has N - 1 edges. As a tra…
[题意]给出一棵树,有n个点(2≤N≤105),每条边有权值,现在打算新修一条路径,给出新路径u的起点v,终点和权值,下面给出Q(1≤Q≤105)个询问(a,b)问如果都按照最短路径走,从a到b节省了多少距离. 咱不妨把新修路径的一个端点u设为根结点,然后建树. 这样新路径另一端v一定连着它的子树的一个点. 从祖先u到孩子v再加上(u,v)构成一个环,这个是树中唯一的一个环, 如果新加的路径比不加新路径时从u到v的距离短: 对于询问a到b的路程改变量,如果a是v的孩子,而b是u的祖先或者是在另一…
The merchant Time Limit: 3000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 6864   Accepted: 2375 Description There are N cities in a country, and there is one and only one simple path between each pair of cities. A merchant has chosen some paths and w…
Journey Time Limit: 15000/3000MS (Java/Others)     Memory Limit: 65535/65535KB (Java/Others) Bob has traveled to byteland, he find the N cities in byteland formed a tree structure, a tree structure is very special structure, there is exactly one path…
1.易知,树上两点的距离dis[u][v] = D[u]+D[v]-2*D[lca(u,v)] (D为节点到根节点的距离) 2.某条边<u,v>权值一旦改变,将会影响所有以v为根的子树上的节点到根节点的距离,很明显,DFS一遍后以v为根的子树在DFS序列中是连续的一段,及转化为区间更新问题,可以用树状数组. 做法:先把求LCA解决,LCA可以转化为RMQ问题,可参见:LCA转RMQ, 即转化为LCA(T,u,v) = RMQ(B,pos[u],pos[v]),其中B为深度序列.预先DFS可以处…
POJ 1986 Distance Queries / UESTC 256 Distance Queries / CJOJ 1129 [USACO]距离咨询(最近公共祖先) Description Farmer John's cows refused to run in his marathon since he chose a path much too long for their leisurely lifestyle. He therefore wants to find a path…