LPC-LINK 2 Board IO】的更多相关文章

80MHz 12 bit ADC processor LPC4370.LPCxpresso do a LPC LINK2 and LABTOOLS open source oscilloscope demo set. (£84 from Mouser, seems quite well liked.) The LPC LINK2 is £14 + VAT from Mouser, it has the ADC on board. The Lab tools board has signal co…
驱动能力 电源驱动能力 -> 输出电流能力 -> 输出电阻 指输出电流的能力,比如芯片的IO在高电平时的最大输出电流是4mA -> 该IO口的驱动驱动能力为4mA 负载过大(小电阻) -> 负载电流超过其最大输出电流 -> 驱动能力不足 -> 输出电压下降 -> 逻辑电路无法保持高电平 -> 逻辑混乱 XX 一般说驱动能力不足是指某个IO口/引脚无法直接用高电平驱动某个外设,需要加三级管(驱动脚由三极管的发射极或集电极提供)或者MOS管. IO与输出电流 单…
钉钉 & URL Scheme & Universal Link & Deep Link DD link https://www.cnblogs.com/xgqfrms/p/11386252.html 在网页中打开 钉钉 https://www.google.com.hk/search?newwindow=1&safe=strict&hl=zh-CN&sxsrf=ACYBGNToNW9TQ5qJixmixqrzo9JjW1vpUw%3A15812336868…
LPC-Link 2 is an extensible, stand-alone debug adapter that can be configured to support various development tools and IDEs by downloadable firmwares. Available firmware images include: LPCXpresso IDE debugger by NXP CMSIS-DAP by ARM J-Link by Segger…
在Web前端开发中,我们经常会遇见需要动态的将一些来自后端或者是动态拼接的HTML字符串绑定到页面DOM显示,特别是在内容管理系统(CMS:是Content Management System的缩写),这样的需求,更是遍地皆是. 对于对angular的读者肯定首先会想到ngBindHtml,对,angular为我们提供了这个指令来动态绑定HTML,它会将计算出来的表达式结果用innerHTML绑定到DOM.但是,问题并不是这么简单.在Web安全中XSS(Cross-site scripting,…
Problem1: Documention and Example can't open, Xilinx SDK  Ubuntu.   Step1: Click the Document link or Example link. We can see the error message from the terminal where you execute vivado command. The message said 'GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found. And the l…
CocoaPods 使用手册 CocoaPods 使用手册                                                                                                                                                 1 1.核心组件                                                                    …
study link: http://netty.io/3.6/guide/#architecture 应用场景: Chat server that requires persistent connections and server push technology (e.g. Comet) Media streaming server that needs to keep the connection open until the whole media is streamed (e.g. 2…