insserv: Script <name> is broken: incomplete LSB comment. insserv: missing `Required-Start:' entry: please add even if empty.insserv: missing `Required-Stop:' entry: please add even if empty.insserv: missing `Default-Start:' entry: please add even i…
demo1 (输入/输出) 1.1. target : 输入姓.名, 输出姓名 1.2. create directory mkdir ~/bin 1.3. create & edit sheel script vim note:  more comment is useful #!/bin/bash #Program # User inputs his first name and last name . Program shows his full name. #Hi…
1. Database>Pre & Post Script > Model-level %ForEachTable() { alter TABLE %TableName COMMENT = '%EntityName' ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; %ForEachColumn() { ALTER TABLE %TableName MODIFY COLUMN `%ColName` %AttDatatype %AttNullOption COMME…
python模块介绍- HTMLParser 简单的HTML和XHTML解析器 2013-09-11 磁针石 #承接软件自动化实施与培训等gtalk:ouyangchongwu#gmail.comqq 37391319 #博客: #版权所有,转载刊登请来函联系 # 深圳测试自动化python项目接单群113938272深圳广州软件测试开发 6089740 #深圳湖南人业务户外群 66250781武冈洞口城步新宁乡情群49494279 #参考资料…
 Oracle Database (RDBMS) on Unix AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Mac OS X,Solaris,Tru64 Unix Operating Systems Installation and Configuration Requirements Quick Reference (8.0.5 to 11.2) (文档 ID 169706.1) _afrLoop=509703735454401&id=169706.1&_afrWindowMode=0&…
一.安装 1.首先下载安装包,包含服务端和客户端 2.添加用户组.用户 secondary1:~ # groupadd mysql secondary1:~ # useradd -g mysql -d /home/mysql -s /bin/bash -m mysql 3.设置mysql用户的密码 secondary1:~ # passwd mysql Changing password for mysql. New Password: Reenter New Password: Passwor…
import html html.escape(s, quote=True) 对特殊字符进行转义 Convert the characters &, < and > in string s to HTML-safe sequences. Use this if you need to display text that might contain such characters in HTML. If the optional flag quote is true, the chara…
A complex 16-Level XSS Challenge, held in summer 2014 (+1 Hidden Level) Index Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12 Level 13 Level 14 Level 15 Hidden Level Rules Call prompt(1) to w…
Html / XHtml 解析 - Parsing Html and XHtml HTMLParser 模块 通过 HTMLParser 模块来解析 html 文件通常的做法是, 建立一个 HTMLParser 子类, 然后子类中实现处理的标签(<.>)的方法, 其实现是通过 '重写' 父类(HTMLParser)的 handle_starttag(), handle_data(), handle_endtag() 等方法. 例子, 解析 htmlsample.html 中 <head&…
在学习Linux过程中,有许多有用的小技巧.如果放在纸质的笔记本上,平时查阅会相当不方便.现在以一种“碎碎念”的方式,汇集整理在此,目前还不是很多,但随着学习.工作的深入,后续会陆陆续续添加更多的小技巧. 1. 配置ssh的等效性 ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/ oracle@ 这样id_rsa.pub可以直接添加到/home/oracle下的.ssh/authorized_keys 也可直接为ssh-copy-id oracle@10…