November 06th, 2017 Week 45th Monday】的更多相关文章

The education of a man is never completed until he dies. 一个人的学习之路,到死才结束. Being a life-long learning is key to future success, especially in this fast-moving world. We should always bear in mind that it's important to invest time and energy in new ski…
Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. 别拿自己和他人比较,这只会降低你原有的价值. Honestly, I don't think it is merely negative to compare ourselves with others. The effects depend on how we react to our superiority and inferiority we get from suc…
Happiness is a direction, not a place. 快乐是一个方向,不是一个目的. Do you remember those moments in your life when you were happy and joyful? Do you remeber how those moments came, and how they made you feel? If you have some clear answers, I think you will know…
A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just. 多一点怜悯就可以让这个世界少一点冷酷而多一点正义. Maybe there is no just in the world, maybe the truth, cold and cruel, is exactly what the world really is. Because I have witnessed too many stories that ended i…
If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves. 我们如果尽全力去完成我们能做到的事情,那么我们的成就就连自己都会被惊讶到. Things would become not so difficult or insurmountable as we had ever thought if we can get down to them with all our strength, es…
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. 始终面朝阳光,我们就不会看到黑暗. I love sunshine, but if it is shrouded in darkness, I still can keep moving forward in fear instead of just fearing. Life can never avoid disappointments and sadness, som…
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. 爱就是一个灵魂栖息在两个身体里. Love and family and children shouldn't be considered as somethings that are getting in the way of a successful career. And never take the efforts to maintain such relationships…
Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one. 不要祈求安逸的人生,祈求拥有撑过艰难的力量. It is not life becomes easier, it is you that become strong, well, that is the ideal state. And that is the very thing I need, for it would let our…
Art lies in concealing art. 隐而不露即艺术. Sometimes, concealing is much more seductive than totally naked. So, you must learn how to express your meaning in an indirect way and you must learn to hide some of your feeling. If you let others know all what y…
Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people. 艰难坎坷是人们的生活教科书. It would be better if the book of difficulties is not so thick. Halloween is an opportunity to be really creative. 万圣节前夜是挥洒创意的好时机.…
While there is life there is hope. 一息若存,希望不灭. Go on living even if there is no hope. Knowing is not enough, we must apply; Willing is not enough, we must do. 获得知识并不够,一切看应用: 立下志向也不够,一切看行动. Knowledge is a treasure, and practice is the key to abtain it.…
If you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out. 你如果拒绝面对错误,真相也会被挡在门外. Sometimes being a fool who knows nothing is happier than being a man who knows a lot. Truth, or error, can any of them bring me some extra money? Do not let what you can…
Don't you wonder sometimes, what might have happened if you tried. 有时候,你会不会想,如果当初试一试会怎么样? If I had tried my best in my campus life, I would live a totally different life. If I had done a little more after I graduated from school, my career would be m…
Of all the tribulations in this world, boredom is the one most hard to bear. 所有的苦难中,无聊是最难以忍受的. When you feel bored, you may fail to focus on things you desire and you will easily get tired. Because boredom often stimulates a form of anxiety and stres…
Eternity is said not to be an extension of time but an absence of time. 永恒不是时间的无限延伸,而是没有时间. What is enternity? What kind of traits can be qualified as eternity? There are few things that can stand the test of time, time will eventually kill us, and a…
I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you. 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是因为跟你在一起,我是谁. I enjoy the feeling when staying with you, it is wonderful when I knew there is someone other than my parents caring about my life. When the weather becomes cold the…
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. 整天沉溺于梦想而忘记如何好好生活,毫无意义. Bingo, and I think it is useless, even harmful to spend time on these lack-of-rewarding things. Sometimes it would be far better to format the system and restore the whole e…
The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well. 成功的秘诀就是把平凡的事情做得异常的好. Sometimes your choice and your luck may play a much more important role than your choice and your efforts. Luck is certainly a deciding factor, but who knows how f…
Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily. 知识没有重量,她是我们可以很容易携带的珍宝. Knowledge is weightless, isn't it? No, honestly I don't think so, it is weightless if we can master it and use it skillfully to produce some valuable outcomes, ot…
People always want to lead an active life, and is not it? 人们总要乐观生活,不是吗? Be active, and walk towards things you want to touch. Even if it is far away from the current position we are in, if we can keep moving toward it, we will get closer and closer t…
When you're eighteen your emotions are violent, but they're not durable. 年轻的时候我们总是激情有余但耐心不足. I really want to go back to my eighteens, it was a time that I missed so deeply. The glories, the happinesses, no longer existed in my life afterwards. But I…
Champions have the courage to keep turning the pages because they know a better chapter lies ahead. 冠军有不断翻页的勇气,因为他们知道下一个章节会更好. There is an effect of acceleration for those winners, simply speaking, without a few exceptions, it is a case of winner tak…
The more decisions that you are forced to make alone, the more you are aware of your freedom to choose. 你自己做的决定越多,你就越能体会自己选择的范围有多自由. Our life is built up by a series of decisions made by us at every crossroad and every fork. It really about what our…
My motto is: Contended with little, yet wishing for more. 我的座右铭是:为一点点感到满足,但希望获得更多. If you can live your life in this way, you will feel much happier about your life and you will always be optimistic about your future. Actually, most of our unpleasant…
The greatest ideal man can set before himself is self-perfection. 一个人最高的理想是自我完善. To be better than the one you were yesterday, that is the only way to be self-perfect. For most of us, we may not expect that our life can go along nicely. Always bounce…
Grown-ups work for things. Grown-ups pay. Grown-ups suffer consequences. 真正的成年人会奋斗.会付出.会承担后果. How to become a real man with mature characters? Always hold some ambitions about the future, always strive for a better future to make everything beome as…
No man is rich enough to buy back his own past. 没有人富有到可以赎回自己的过去. Those rich are not willing to buy back their past, even they are able to. Wealth can be the substitute for many things. The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it. 一座房子最好的装饰…
The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday. 你唯一应该试着去超越的人,是昨天的自己. There is nothing noble in being feeling superior to our fellows, true nobility lies in being superior to our former self. Always try to be better…
I believe there is a hero in all of us. 我相信每个人心中都住着一个英雄. For every of us, there are two version with vastly different characters living in us, one is evil and negative, the other is good and positive. Which side would prevail depends on our own decis…
I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you. 我爱你并不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁. I love you just because I am afraid of being lonely, I long for love, I want to have someone accompany me in the remaining of my life, that's all. When staying with y…