Gym 101987K TV Show Game(2-SAT)】的更多相关文章

题目链接: 题意: 有长度为$n$的只包含$B,R$的字符串 有m种关系,每个关系说出三个位置的确切字符 这三个位置的字符最多有一个是错的 数据范围: $1\leq n \leq 5000$ $1\leq m \leq 10000$ 分析: 比如给出1B 2R 3B 那么如果1是R,2必须是R,3必须是B 如果2是B,1必须是R,3必须是B 如果3是R,1必须是B,2必须是R 对这些关系建立2—SAT模型 1B的编号为1,1R的…
题目链接: 题目要求n个灯(R,B),给出m组赋值方式,每一组中至少有两个是正确的,问是否能找到一组正确的赋值方式. 2-SAT模板运用强连通分量解决此类真值指派问题. 对于一组赋值: a x b y c z 来说 若a假,则bc为真 若b假,则ac为真 若c假,则ab为真 建边跑SCC(强连通分量即可) #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define…
Problem I. TV ShowTime Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Charlie is going to take part in one famous TV Show. The show is a single player game. Initially the play…
A. ArielTime Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description King Triton really likes watching sport competitions on TV. But much more Triton likes watching live competitions. So Triton decides to set up…
Problem H. Horrible Truth Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description In a Famous TV Show “Find Out” there are n characters and only one Horrible Truth. To make the series breathtaking all way long, the sc…
题目链接: 题解: 在同一条线上的所有蜥蜴,他们的斜率都是相通的,换句话说可以直接通过斜率将蜥蜴分组. 每一组即代表一条直线上的所有蜥蜴,再将这条直线以TV点为分界分成两条射线,这样每条射线上的蜥蜴,按距离TV从近到远,它们的身高排成一个整数序列,对这个序列求最长上升子序列即可. 需要注意的: DP求LIS的话是 $O(n^2)$ 的时间复杂度,是过不了的应该,要用贪心+二分 $O(n \log n)$ 求LI…
问题 K: TV Show Game 时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 512 MB  Special Judge 提交: 51  解决: 10 [提交] [状态] [命题人:admin] 题目描述 Mr. Dajuda, who is famous for a TV show program, occasionally suggests an interesting game for the audience and gives them some gifts as a prize. Th…
layout: post title: (寒假开黑gym)2018 ACM-ICPC, Syrian Collegiate Programming Contest author: "luowentaoaa" catalog: true tags: mathjax: true - codeforces 传送门 付队! 许老师! Hello SCPC 2018! (签到) #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef…
题目链接 E 题意:给定一个多边形(n个点),然后逆时针旋转A度,然后对多边形进行规约,每个点的x规约到[0,w]范围内,y规约到[0,h]范围内,输出规约后的结果. 解析:求出来 多边形的长和宽,再和w,h比较,对点按比例进行缩放就好了. (多边形旋转其实是绕给出的第一个点旋转,以为是绕原点wa了1发). AC代码 #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define Vector Point using nam…
TV Show Game 题目描述 Mr. Dajuda, who is famous for a TV show program, occasionally suggests an interesting game for the audience and gives them some gifts as a prize. The game he suggested this week can be explained as follows. The k(> 3) lamps on the s…