UVA 216 - Getting in Line】的更多相关文章

216 - Getting in Line Computer networking requires that the computers in the network be linked. This problem considers a ``linear" network in which the computers are chained together so that each is connected to exactly two others except for the two…
题目给出离散的点,要求求出一笔把所有点都连上的最短路径. 最多才8个点,果断用暴力求. 用next_permutation举出全排列,计算出路程,记录最短路径. 这题也可以用dfs回溯暴力,但是用最小生成树要小心一点,最小生成树求的是最小连通图,而不是连成一条,不能用Kruscal,Prim算法修改一下也可以使用,改成选点时仅考虑头尾两点即可. 代码: #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #incl…
题意:给出n个点的坐标,(2<=n<=8),现在要使得这n个点连通,问最小的距离的和 因为n很小,所以可以直接枚举这n个数的排列,算每一个排列的距离的和, 保留下距离和最小的那个排列就可以了(这个地方和带宽那题有点像,用memcpy将整个排列保留下来) #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include <cmath> #include<stack> #incl…
 Getting in Line  Computer networking requires that the computers in the network be linked. This problem considers a ``linear" network in which the computers are chained together so that each is connected to exactly two others except for the two comp…
题目 Volume 0. Getting Started 开始10055 - Hashmat the Brave Warrior 10071 - Back to High School Physics 10300 - Ecological Premium 458 - The Decoder 494 - Kindergarten Counting Game 414 - Machined Surfaces 490 - Rotating Sentences 445 - Marvelous Mazes…
题目链接: B. Searching Rectangles time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Filya just learned new geometry object — rectangle. He is given a field consisting of n × n unit cells. Rows ar…
0. 前言 本文翻译自博客: iamtrask.github.io ,这次翻译已经获得trask本人的同意与支持,在此特别感谢trask.本文属于作者一边学习一边翻译的作品,所以在用词.理论方面难免会出现很多错误,假如您发现错误或者不合适的地方,可以给我留言,谢谢! --- 2016.7.26 UPDATE --- 不涉及商业用途无须告知本人即可转载,但请注明出处! 原文地址:blog.csdn.net/zzukun/article/details/49968129 --- 1. 概要 我的最佳…
D. Searching Rectangles 题目连接: http://codeforces.com/contest/714/problem/D Description Filya just learned new geometry object - rectangle. He is given a field consisting of n × n unit cells. Rows are numbered from bottom to top with integer from 1 to…
Born Slippy 题目连接: http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5735 Description Professor Zhang has a rooted tree, whose vertices are conveniently labeled by 1,2,...,n. And the i-th vertex is assigned with weight wi. For each s∈{1,2,...,n}, Professor Zh…
通过该文学习一下常见硬件web漏洞.重点关注一下几个方面: 1.登录验证代码: 2.文件上传代码: 3.system/exec/popen等是否存在注入可能: 4.调用二进制文件: 5.未登陆可以访问的url; 6.sql相关处理 转:https://www.exploitee.rs/index.php/Western_Digital_MyCloud Western Digital MyCloud "Although the information we release has been ver…