#6004. 「网络流 24 题」圆桌聚餐 内存限制:256 MiB时间限制:5000 ms标准输入输出 题目类型:传统评测方式:Special Judge 上传者: 匿名 提交提交记录统计讨论测试数据 题目描述 假设有来自 n nn 个不同单位的代表参加一次国际会议.每个单位的代表数分别为 ri r_iri.会议餐厅共有 m mm 张餐桌,每张餐桌可容纳 ci c_ici 个代表就餐.为了使代表们充分交流,希望从同一个单位来的代表不在同一个餐桌就餐. 试设计一个算法,给出满足要…
L - Subway(最短路spfa) You have just moved from a quiet Waterloo neighbourhood to a big, noisy city. Instead of getting to ride your bike to school every day, you now get to walk and take the subway. Because you don't want to be late for class, you want…