Note: Something very instersting to wine translating 这个点子是对于GPU virtualization有启发...不过有很多技术和专利上的问题. MSFT HSLS -> LLVM IR -> Windows graphics driver or Linux graphic drivers. Apple GLSL -…
So, Microsoft is making an opensource HLSL-to-almost-LLVM compiler, and Khronos is making an opensource HLSL/GLSL-to-almost-LLVM compiler. Apple MetalSL is almost C++ (and new HLSL will get closer to C++). Although Apple's compiler is not open-source…
偶遇需要再WPF里面处理九宫格,因不喜截图缩放,即写成了HLSL的Effcect sampler2D input : register(s0); /// <summary>The float of the Left.</summary> </minValue> </maxValue> </defaultValue> float Left : register(C0); /// <summary>The float of the Top…
error: 1. mul' implicit truncation of vector type 2. matrixXXX: array dimensions of(unknown scope entry kind) must be explicit------------(XXXX(float3X4 matrix[]))-->(XXXX(float3X4 matrix[12])) this problem refers to a para float 3X4 mat…