1250. Sea Burial Time limit: 1.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB There is Archipelago in the middle of a shoreless ocean. An ancient tribe of cannibals lives there. Shamans of this race have been communicating with gods and admonishing people for ages. The…
写几组数据就会发现规律了啊. .但是我是竖着看的.. .还找了半天啊... 只是要用高精度来写,水题啊.就当熟悉一下java了啊. num[i] = 2*num[i-1]-num[i-2-k]. 1513. Lemon Tale Time limit: 1.0 second Memory limit: 64 MB Background For each programmer a point comes when the last contest is lost, and it is time t…