mac系统:10.11.6 xcode:7 appium:1.5.3 iphone: 6 p 1.搭建 appium 安卓的环境: 1.jdk 2.sdk 3.appium 4.配置环境变量 mac下的环境变量是在 登录用户的 根目录下 cd ~/ 下的 .bash_profile中 没有自己 创建一个 # Setting PATH for Python 3.5 # The original version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave PATH="/Libr…
mac下配置gdb调试golang 原文链接 Building GDB for Darwin Creating the binary for Darwin isn't very difficult. Download a release snapshot or get the current source via git/CVS/FTP, then configure and make as us…