dfs.datanode.max.transfer.threads: 默认 4096 < 2.0之前该参数为dfs.datanode.max.xcievers >解释:Specifies the maximum number of threads to use for transferring data in and out of the DN. 表示datanode上负责进行文件操作的线程数.如果需要处理的文件过多,而这个参数设置得过低就会有一部分文件处理不过来,就会报异常.linux系统中…
执行Oozie调度Hive导数脚本抛java.io.IOException: output.properties data exceeds its limit [2048] 原因分析 shell脚本中一次提交的hql-mr作业量太大,其中包含的信息超过oozie launcher一次容许的最大值2K(2K是默认值) 解决办法 1)修改oozie-site.xml:<property> <name>oozie.action.max.output.data</name> &…
把Hadoop源码导入IDEA中后,其中有个ClientNamenodeProtocolProtos文件代码高达82997行,IDEA直接就不把它当java类看了,报file size exceeds configured limit错误. 解决办法如下: 你可以尝试修改intellij IDE安装目录下的bin/idea.properties, 将其中的idea.max.intellisense.filesize=2500改成大一些,比如idea.max.intellisense.filesi…
在使用oozie调用sqoop时,报了下边这个错 Launcher AM execution failed java.io.IOException: output.properties data exceeds its limit [] at org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.LocalFsOperations.getLocalFileContentAsString(LocalFsOperations.java:) at org.apache.oozie.action…
在使用 IDEA, 发现一个问题File size exceeds configured limit (2560000). Code insight features not available.…
用了cms 发现这玩意真不好,老是有各种奇芭的问题跳出来 有时浏览网页时会出现 Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Size of a request header field exceeds server limit. 意思为:错误的请求.您的浏览器发送一个请求,该服务器无法理解.一个请求头域的大小超过服务器的限制. 以下是解决方法,不过,我个人感觉,不可能无限制的增大请求…
用户上传了 4 个附件,每个小于 5M,但是总大小超过了 15 M. 在 Nginx 日志中找到了如下错误信息,还没有到 Laravel 日志那一层. 2018/08/13 10:14:38 [error] 8326#8326: *11432788 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 14424838 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes i…
MongoDB执行错误: Overflow sort stage buffered data usage of 33554495 bytes exceeds internal limit of 33554432 bytes 错误原因,排序状态数超出最大限制32M. 两种解决方法,一个是把相关排序字段索引化,一个是扩大这个最大限制,要想从质变的角度解决这个问题,第一个方法比较靠谱一点. db.collectionName.createIndex({field_name:1}) 如果你在应用中是对这…
To keep the TCP/IP stack from taking all resources on the computer, there are different parameters that control how many connections it can handle. If running applications that are constantly opening and closing connections (P2P), or are providing a…
转载地址:http://smallvoid.com/article/winnt-tcpip-max-limit.html To keep the TCP/IP stack from taking all resources on the computer, there are different parameters that control how many connections it can handle. If running applications that are constant…