In one of our recent migrations, we got the following error when the client tried to fire xp_cmdshell system stored procedure through some client code. Msg 15153, Level 16, State 1, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1The xp_cmdshell proxy account informati…
USE [msdb]EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_grant_login_to_proxy @proxy_name=N'SSISProxyAgentV1', @login_name=N'WTC\Ebw.Admin' GO…
Executing a Next Instruction Access Intent instruction by a computer. The processor obtains an access intent instruction indicating an access intent. The access intent is associated with an operand of a next sequential instruction. The access intent…
在此记录如何将之前一次做第三发软件在配置的过程. 将AD user通过代理映射到mysql 用户. 在Mysql官网有这样一段话: The server-side Windows authentication plugin is included only in commercial distributions. It is not included in MySQL community distributions. The client-side plugin is included in a…
在sql server中执行cmd命令,报以下异常. EXEC master.sys.xp_cmdshell 'dir c:/' Msg 15281, Level 16, State 1, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1 [Batch Start Line 44]SQL Server blocked access to procedure 'sys.xp_cmdshell' of component 'xp_cmdshell' because this compone…
Systems and methods are provided to manage risk associated with access to information within a given organization. The overall risk tolerance for the organization is determined and allocated among a plurality of subjects within the organization. Allo…
1,Service Account SSRS以一个Service方式实现,有三部分组成:Web Service,Report Manager和一个后台的进程,这个Service运行的账号就是Service Account.虽然Report Server Web service and Report Manager都是Asp.net应用程序,但是他们并不运行在Asp.net应用程序的 Account下,Report Server Web service and Report Manager 使用的…
[Debugging Information in Separate Files] gdb allows you to put a program's debugging information in a file separate from the executable itself, in a way that allows gdb to find and load the debugging information automatically. Since debugging inform…
I - Information Entropy Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Description Information Theory is one of the most popular courses in Marjar University. In this course, there is an important chapter abo…
Nine Great Books about Information Visualization Maybe it’s anachronistic to celebrate static, printed books when so many of us love and create interactive data displays. I don’t care. I love books. Edward Tufte, the patron saint of information visua…
1. 涉及主要jdk api java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler: public interface InvocationHandler { /** * Processes a method invocation on a proxy instance and returns * the result. This method will be invoked on an invocation handler * when a method is invoked…
动态代理机制 所谓动态代理,即通过代理类Proxy的代理,接口和实现类之间可以不直接发生联系,而可以在运行期(Runtime)实现动态关联. Java动态代理类位于Java.lang.reflect包下,主要涉及到两个类. (1)接口InvocationHandler:该接口中仅定义了一个方法. Object invoke(Object obj, Method method, Object[] args); 在实际使用时,第一个参数obj一般指代理类,method是被代理的方法,args为该方法…
在ArcMap中,在GIS Servrvers中,打开已经设置好的服务器时,出现下面的弹窗问题. Proxy server got bad address from remote server(verify the server is running) 解决办法:如果关闭服务器上的防火墙,会恢复正常,则说明是防火墙的问题. 可以在防火墙的入站出站规则中,分别添加6080 TCP特定端口对任何程序不做检查的设置即可.然后可以重新打开服务器防火墙,将会看到服务恢复正常.…
解决方法: locate   sudo rm /usr/local/lib/   sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/local/lib/  sudo rm /usr/local/lib/ 用ldd /usr/bin/openssl查一下再删除比较靠谱 一.使用wget命令报错: ➜ nginx w…
Introducing Information Architecture 信息架构简介 Chapter 1 Defining Information Architecture 信息架构的意义(我们盖房子,之后,房子影响我们) A Definition Tablets, Scrolls, Books, and Libraries 石板.卷轴.书籍,图书馆 Explaining IA to Others 解释IA What Isn’t Information Architecture? 什么不是IA…
书籍介绍 Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, 3rd Edition<web信息架构:设计大型网站(第三版)> Designing Large-Scale Web Sites By Peter Morville, Louis Rosenfeld Publisher: O'Reilly Media Final Release Date: November 2006 Pages: 528   序 可用性问题,只有其中一些问题会产生严重后…
A disk array controller has a function of relocating a plurality of data blocks stored in a disk array. The controller includes a read unit which reads data blocks to be relocated from the disk array, a determining unit which determines whether an er…
The present invention relates to an apparatus for supporting information centric networking. An information centric network (ICN) node based on a switch according to the present invention includes an ICN process configured to request information for…
在文章:JAVA设计模式-动态代理(Proxy)示例及说明中,为动态代理设计模式举了一个小小的例子,那么这篇文章就来分析一下源码的实现. 一,Proxy.newProxyInstance方法 @CallerSensitive public static Object newProxyInstance(ClassLoader loader, Class<?>[] interfaces, InvocationHandler h) throws IllegalArgumentException{ /…
本系列文章主要是博主在学习spring aop的过程中了解到其使用了java动态代理,本着究根问底的态度,于是对java动态代理的本质原理做了一些研究,于是便有了这个系列的文章 为了尽快进入正题,这里先跳过spring aop和java动态代理的使用流程的讲解,这部分内容后面再单独写文章整理 不过,我们首先还是先看下java dynamic proxy的基本使用方法,假定我们要代理的对象是一个Map,则代码如下: Map proxyInstance = (Map) Proxy.newProxyI…
JDK动态代理案例实现:实现 InvocationHandler 接口重写 invoke 方法,其中包含一个对象变量和提供一个包含对象的构造方法: public class MyInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler { Object target;//目标对象 public MyInvocationHandler(Object target){; } /** * @param proxy 代理对象 *…
很明显,以下的文字来自微软MSDN 链接 MSDN上分成了几个部分,查起来费事,统一放在这里了. 用kernel32.dll里的FormatMessage可以得到支持多语言的返回消息 有人把这些错误代码整理成了类,供参考 Note The informat…
By combining the NTSTATUS into a single 32-bit numbering space, the following NTSTATUS values are defined. Most values also have a defined default message that can be used to map the value to a human-readable text message. When this is done, the NTST…
转自: Video for Linux Two API Specification Revision 2.6.32 Michael H Schimek <> Bill Dirks Original author of the V4L2 API and documentation. Hans V…
转自: Video for Linux Two API Specification Revision 0.24 Michael H Schimek <> Bill Dirks Hans Verkuil Martin Rubli Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 20…
/************************************************************************* ** winerror.h -- error code definitions for the Win32 API functions ** ** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. ** ***********************************************…
The present invention relates to the field of security of electronic data and/or communications. In one form, the invention relates to data security and/or privacy in a distributed and/or decentralised network environment. In another form, the invent…
Return value/code Description 0x00030200 STG_S_CONVERTED The underlying file was converted to compound file format. 0x00030201 STG_S_BLOCK The storage operation should block until more data is available. 0x00030202 STG_S_RETRYNOW The storage operatio…
Class  QAbstractItemModel: 使用QML的TreeView类来展示树状的结构,对应的是QT的Model/View模型.这个model是一个数据模型,要为TreeView提供一个模型,需要定义一个类,该类需要继承自calss QAbstractItemModel,不能直接使用该类. 另外,If you need a model to use with an item view such as QML's List View element or the C++ widget…
Note to the Reader - Docs Being Revised for Selenium 2.0! Introduction Test Automation for Web Applications To Automate or Not to Automate? Introducing Selenium Brief History of The Selenium Project Selenium’s Tool Suite Choosing Your Selenium Tool S…