Entity Framework Migrations are handled from the package manager console in Visual Studio. The usage is shown in various tutorials, but I haven’t found a complete list of the commands available and their usage, so I created my own. There are four ava…
.net core执行dotnet ef migrations createmodel等命令出错 执行dotnet ef migrations createmodel.dotnet ef migrations add initial等命令出错,报错信息为:No project was found. Change the current working directory or use the --project option.命令出错.个人百度.net core.dotnet ef migrat…
RedHat中敲sh-copy-id命令报错:-bash: ssh-copy-id: command not found 在多台Linux服务器SSH相互访问无需密码, 其中进入一台Linus中,对其进行拷贝一下到host中,出现 会不会是用户的权限问题,在root下执行: [root@host6 hadoop]# ssh-copy-id/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found 为啥出现这个样子? (目前我也没有解决,若您知道其原因望告知一…
在使用docker容器时,有时候里边没有安装vim,敲vim命令时提示说:vim: command not found,这个时候就需要安装vim 操作步鄹: 1.apt-get update 2.apt-get install vim 如果是:bash:ping: command not found apt-get install iputils-ping…