pacman的unknown trust问题错误消息类似于:error: signature from "NAME<EMAIL ADD>" is unknown trust.pcaman-key --init --init 确保密匙环已正确初始化echo "SigLevel = Optional TrustAll" >> /etc/pacman.confpacman -Sy pacman 如果还不能解决,可以借鉴如下.(未测试)pacman-…
0 现象 在 Arch 下编译 OpenWRT (15.05) cmcurl 时报错: [ 28%] Linking C executable LIBCURL lib/libcmcurl.a(openssl.c.o): In function `cert_stuff`: openssl.c:(.text+0x97a): undefined reference to `sk_num` openssl.c:(.text+0x99a): undefined reference to `sk_pop`…
对于报错情况, 格式大致如下: error: PackageName: signature from "User <>" is invalid error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)) Errors occured, no packages were upgraded. 错误定位: PGP key报错,签名邮箱不可…
Sharepoint 部署的时候出现一个错误 Error occurred in deployment step 'Add Solution': Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. 在Server Manager里面看到错误: The Service Control Manager tried to take a corrective action (Restart the service) after t…
ref from: Android Studio下“Error:Could not find”的解决方法 错误: Error:Could not find Searched in the following locations:    file…
1.不知什么时候开始关机的时候会看到一串红色的文字 [lun. avril 20 09:15:34 2015] [drm:intel_uncore_check_errors [i915]] *ERROR* Unclaimed register before interrupt [lun. avril 20 09:15:35 2015] [drm:intel_uncore_check_errors [i915]] *ERROR* Unclaimed register before interrup…
偶尔发现Apache下的错误日志非常的大,有5G多,先停止Apache服务的所有进程,最简单就是输命令:net stop apache2.4,然后删除 Apache/logs/目录下的 error.log.access.log文件,一下子硬盘可用量大了很多啊!! 想无后顾之忧就限制一下: 打开 Apache 的 httpd.conf配置文件并找到下面两条配置 ErrorLog logs/error.logCustomLog logs/access.log common 直接注释掉(加#),换成下…
原生js 的add函数为下拉菜单增加选项 1.object.add(oElement [, iIndex]) index 可选参数:指定元素放置所在的索引号,整形值.如果没有指定值,将添加到集合的最后. 想加到最前面,指定索引值0就可以了. @@注意: add方法为js原生方法,属于element元素对象,在使用jquery对象获取元素时是不可用的 var select = $('#select'); select.add(new Option(txt,val)) 提示:undefined ad…
在linux下写了一个很easy的Hello world程序,编译执行居然报错:Error: Could not find or load main class Hello 最后发现是CLASSPATH的问题. 首先须要检查jdk环境变量是否配置正确:參考这篇文章:ubuntu12.04 安装配置jdk1.7 主要在环境变量这块: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0 export JRE_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}/jre export CLASSPA…
error while loading shared libraries: Check if those libraries are present in your environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If not, add the directory containing those libraries to this variable. If the libraries are present in /usr…