Google Code Style】的更多相关文章

Google开源项目的代码遵循的规范,见这,C++, OC. PS: vim的配色编辑用户主目录下的.vimrc即可.…
1.文件名 使用小写字母和下划线组合.头文件以.h结尾,定义文件用.cc结尾.例如 2.类型名 使用大写字母开头,多个单词组合时每个单词的首字母大写.例如:UrlTableErrors. 3.变量名 普通变量:小写字母和下划线的组合.例如:table_name 类数据成员变量:小写字母和下划线组合,最后加一个下划线.例如:table_name_ 结构体变量:与普通变量类似,不需要在最后加一个下划线. 全局变量:可以在变量前加一个标志,g_.例如:g_erro…
google-java-format plugin should intercept the “Reformat Code” action in IDEA (Ctrl+Alt+L) and apply its own rules. However, it does not work with imports for some reason, so to fix that you have to import a Java Google Code Style XML file  to your c…
近期困惑于团队成员代码风格迥异,代码质量不可控,作为一名老司机,忧患于后期服务的可维护性,多次一对一的代码Review,耗时耗力不说,效果也不明显.痛定思痛,多次反思之后得出结论:无规矩不成方圆,可靠的服务必须建立在统一的代码风格基础之上,仅仅提倡是远远不够的,必须使用有效的可执行机制,确保最终效果.   这里的可执行机制包含以下几个方面:   (1)有统一的代码风格约束要求: (2)IDE辅助检查代码风格约束是否满足,实时检测提醒: (3)构建项目过程强制检查代码风格约束是否满足,如不满足,终…
Background C++ is one of the main development languages used by many of Google's open-source projects. As every C++ programmer knows, the language has many powerful features, but this power brings with it complexity, which in turn can make code more…
转 Google C++ Style Guide在C++11普及后的变化 一般比较规范的项目都有一个代码规范,Google C++ Style Guide(以下简称GCSG)是比较流行的C++代码规范,为什么我会分析它?因为我们现在就在用. C++代码规范一般有两个方向,一个方向是很保守,…
Google Code Jam 2008 资格赛的第一题:Saving the Universe. 问题描述如下: Problem The urban legend goes that if you go to the Google homepage and search for "Google", the universe will implode. We have a secret to share... It is true! Please don't try it, or te…
_rqy's Code Style for OI Inspired by Menci's Code Style for OI 本文介绍_rqy的OI中的代码规范.其来源主要为_rqy的长期积累及参考Google代码规范.Menci的规范. 可能会update. 概述 #include语句必须置于整个程序的开头. 不应using namespace foo;.若有必要可以using foo::bar;. 单行字符数必须不超过80. 预编译 #include的多个库顺序可有以下两种: C++标准库在…
转自: Shell Style Guide Revision 1.26 Paul Armstrong Too many more to mention Each style point has a summary for which additional information is available by toggling the accompanying arrow button that looks…
转自: Google JavaScript Style Guide Revision 2.93 Aaron Whyte Bob Jervis Dan Pupius Erik Arvidsson Fritz Schneider Robby Walker Each style point has a summary for which additional information is ava…