laravel controller:make】的更多相关文章

Laravel 引入第三方类库 在Controller中引入自定义的php文件,先在app目录下创建一个新的文件夹,命名Tools(可自定义),接着创建一个MyTest.php: <?php class MyTest { public function test() { echo 'Hello World!'; } } 然后在你写的controller里加入 require (app_path() . '/Tools/MyTest.php');$a = new \MyTest;$a->test…
Questions: I am building a REST API with Laravel 5. In Laravel 5, you can subclassApp\Http\Requests\Requestto define the validation rules that must be satisfied before a particular route will be processed. For example: <?php namespace App\Http\Reques…
By: Povilas Korop Laravel is an MVC framework with its own folder structure, but sometimes we want to use something external which doesn’t follow the same structure. Let’s review two different scenarios – when we have external class and when it’s jus…
php artisan make:controller DIR/XXXController…
<?php namespace Boss\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\DispatchesJobs; use Illuminate\Routing\Controller as BaseController; use Illuminate\Foundation\Validation\ValidatesRequests; use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\Access\AuthorizesRequests…
$request->merge([ 'aae_id' => request('id', 0), 'foo' => 'bar', ]);…
1.在蚂蚁金服开放平台中申请对应的应用,并根据提示进行签约 2.给对应的应用信息 生成私钥和公钥(私钥会保存在本地,公钥会放在对应的应用信息中) 3.下载手机网站支付 对应的php sdk 4.将sdk放置在项目app下 ,我将对应sdk文件夹更名为alipayWapPay 5.引入sdk类比如: require_once app_path('Library') . '/alipayWapPay/wappay/service/AlipayTradeService.php';require_onc…
stackoverflow找到的问题: Route::resource('users', 'UsersController'); Verb Path Action Route Name GET /users index users.index GET /users/create create users.create POST /…
之前尝试过对 Laravel 的 Controller 做 Feature Test,但是在业务变得越来越复杂之后,我感觉对 controller 里的函数也没了自信,急需对功能函数做 Unit Test,以平复我不安的情绪. 例如: 新建一个 Unit Test,由于默认新建的是 feature test, 所有后面需要加上 unit 参数 php artisan make:test StaffSalaryHistoryTest --unit 此时会看到 tests/Unit 目录下多了一个文…
前面我们创建了laravel简单的items产品api,但是需要在数据库添加,如何在网页上直接添加呢?我们可以用view来操作crud(增加Create.读取查询Retrieve.更新Update和删除Delete).下面随ytkah一起来实现吧 1,创建controller php artisan make:Controller ItemController --resource --resource代表创建预设的index/create/store/show/edit/update/dest…