This 125 kHz RFID reader I will try to explain with simple words how the RFID works. The ATtiny13 use…
This page describes the construction of an RFID reader using only an Arduino (Nano 3.0 was tested, but others may work), a hand-wound wire coil, and some assorted low cost common components. Credits The hardware and software designs for this project… The Goal To produce a to…
RFID Exploration Louis Yi, Mary Ruthven, Kevin O'Toole, & Jay Patterson What did you do? We made an Radio Frequency ID (RFID) card reader and, while attempting to create a long-range spoofer, created an jammer which overcomes card's signals. The read…
Radio Basics for RFID The following is excerpted from Chapter 3: Radio Basics for UHF RFID from the Book, The RF in RFID: Passive UHF RFID in Practice by Daniel M. Dobkin. Order a copy of The RF in RFID: Passive UHF RFID in Practice before December 3…
Sound card based RFID sniffer/emulator (Too tired after to do draw the schematics better than that :) Stay tuned for the next version including Tag emulation.) baudline FFT signal analyzer for sniffing LF RFID tags using our sound card based…