MDX Deck is a great library for building slides using Markdown and JSX. Creating a custom Providercomponent allows you to change the markup of the entire deck. This lets you put things like logos and social media handles in each slide easily. In this…
最近想使用etw作为高效的日志机制,也不想暴露机密信息(关键信息在msnifest文件中).也就是不能在客户机器上注册自己的provider,那需要manifest文件.这样采集回来的.etl文件如果直接在wpa中打开,会很难看,基本看不出什么有用的信息,如图1 图1 用wpa打开poor.etl文件(在未注册过provider的机器上采集的,也未经过experf -merge处理的.etl文件)   如何使得到的信息能像下图这样详细呢?  图2 用wpa打开good.etl文件(在注册过pro…
How Microsoft does SharePoint Governance for their internal platform english sources from: April 5th, 2012 | Posted by Marijn in community | Gover…
Embodiments discussed in this disclosure provide an integrated provisioning framework that automates the process of provisioning storage resources, end-to-end, for an enterprise storage cloud environment. Such embodiments configure and orchestrate th…
First we will recap the steps it takes to bring views on screen with Auto Layout enabled. When you’re struggling to produce the kind of layout you want with Auto Layout, specifically with advanced use cases and animation, it helps to take a step back…
The <provider> Element Like Activity and Service components, a subclass of ContentProvider must be defined in the manifest file for its application, using the <provider> element. The Android system gets the following information from the eleme…
Default Custom Action Locations and IDs SharePoint 2013                             The following table shows the locations, custom action group IDs, and custom action IDs that are used in the CustomAction element and the CustomActionGroup element of…
文章转载至CSDN社区罗升阳的安卓之旅,原文地址: 通过前面的学习,我们知道在Android系统中,Content Provider可以为不同的应用程序访问相同的数据提供统一的入口.Content Provider一般是运行在独立的进程中的,每一个Content Provider在系统中只有一个实例存在,其它应用程序首先要找到这个实例,然后才能访问它的数据.那么,系统中的Conten…
本文參考Android应用程序组件Content Provider的启动过程源码分析和<Android系统源码情景分析>,作者罗升阳. 0.总图流程图例如以下: 1.MainActivity进程向ActivityServiceManager主线程发送GET_CONTENT_PORVIDER_TRANSACTION 例如以下图: watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2…