Windows记事本新建文本文档编码默认为ANSI 修改步骤: 新建一个文本文档,不输入任何内容,然后"另存为",将编码由默认的ANSI修改为UTF-8,并将新文档命名为template.txt, 然后移动到C:\Windows\addins\: 再次新建一个文本文档命名为import.txt,将下面内容粘贴进去,然后将后缀改成reg,双击导入注册表,成功! Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00   [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt\S… Your Debian Linux installation may include multiple python versions and thus also include multiple python binary executables. You can run the following l…
转载: Change the default MySQL data directory with SELinux enabled This is a short article that explains how you change the default MySQL data directory and adjust SELinux to account for the changes. The article assumes that y…
最近在做android项目的过程中遇到这样一个问题,新增一个activity的时候添加不成,eclipse提示The refactoring does not change any source code.百度了很久终于在Stack Overflow找到问题的解决方法. 言归正传,先把问题解决了. 原帖的内容就不粘贴在这里了.原帖是的回复是: Check if you have older version of ADT plug-in. You need to update ADT plug-i…
SIMULINK点击生成C代码报错 错误提示: Error encountered while executing PostCodeGenCommand for model 'RTW_sc3': Close all block diagrams (using 'bdclose all') before trying to change the default character encoding setting Caused by: Close all block diagrams (using… accepted Stop Jenkins service Move C:\Users\Coola\.jenkins folder to d:\Jenkins Using regedit, change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Jen…
Windows Live Writer has the ability to allow users to see their blog as it'd be posted as they are composing. The standard editor for Windows Live Writer; editing with no theme means there's no fancy theme background, no fancy fonts and the width of…
On 32 bit Win OS: git config --global core.editor "'C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -multiInst -notabbar -nosession -noPlugin" On 64 bit Win OS: git config --global core.editor "'C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -mu…
If you'd like to simply test out the effect of that change in an interactive R session, you can do so using trace(). Here's how: Type trace("semiMarkov", edit=TRUE) In the text editor that that launches, edit the line of interest. Save the modif…
Here is the defulat tab header template: <ng-template #defaultTabHeader let-tabs="tabsX"> <ul class="tab-panel-buttons" *ngIf="tabs"> <li [ngClass]="{selected: tab.selected}" (click)="selectTab(t…