WCF - IIS Hosting】的更多相关文章

WCF - IIS Hosting Hosting a WCF service in IIS (Internet Information Services) is a step-by-step process. IIS Hosting is illustrated below in detail with the desired coding as well as screenshots to understand the process. 按照如下步骤可以在IIS中托管wcf服务.IIS托管的…
How messages reach a service endpoint is a matter of protocols and hosting. IIS can host services over HTTP protocol,the Windows Activation Service (WAS) can support others such as TCP and named pipes,and self-hosting can support many protocols and i…
WCF - WAS Hosting To understand the concept of WAS hosting, we need to comprehend how a system is configured and how a service contract is created, enabling different binding to the hosted service. 为了明白WAS托管的概念,我们需要理解一个系统是如何配置的,以及一个服务契约如何被创建的.确保托管服务可…
WCF IIS 发布报"404错误": 修改 Web.config 如下: <system.webServer> <handlers> <remove name="svc-Integrated-4.0" /> <add name="svc-Integrated-4.0" path="*" verb="*" type="System.ServiceModel…
最近谷歌没法用了,我的freegate经常性的崩溃 无奈之下,用了必应,貌似也不错 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8414514/iis7-does-not-start-my-exe-file-by-process-start 第一种方法 Edit: After a long journey, me and Nasenbaer have found the following. The possible reasons for IIS to fail ru…
WCF - Self Hosting Here, the WCF service is hosted in a console application. Given below is the process with suitable steps in a sequential manner that explains the entire process. 这里演示的wcf服务将托管在控制台应用程序上. Step 1 : First, let's create the Service cont…
最近为以前的一个企业部署软件的时候,接触到WCF,通过博客园大佬的系列文章和一些书籍,基本了解了一些.简单说也算是SOA一种方式,提供某种服务,可以理解为一个类库,供其他项目使用,可以做到业务分离.但是和类库的区别就是使用者不需要在工程项目中添加,引用服务就可以了. 这次遇到的情况是,过去的WCF服务是用VS2008开发并部署在WIN SERVER 2008系统,新的WCF在原来基础上修改后,需要重新部署在新的服务器上,系统是WIN SERVER 2012,寄宿方式还是采用的IIS. 旧WCF项…
做Web接口,原来一直用Web Service的,但是.Net 3.5后,Web Service变成了WCF.代码的编写上,把WebMethod特性改成了OperationContract,然后把方法分拆到契约接口和实现方法.然后在部署上,不再依赖于IIS,但如果使用IIS,部署反倒麻烦了. 将WCF应用程序代码拷贝到IIS目录下,然后打开IIS管理器,将其转换为Application.访问时出现了错误.protocolMapping配置节有问题. 原因在于,WCF是.Net3.5?的东西,我创…
3 Options. 1. Host inside of an application. 2. Host into Windows service. 3. Host into IIS 参考: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/38160/WCF-Service-Library-with-Windows-Service-Hosting http://www.tuicool.com/articles/URBfm2…
一.选择应用程序池:.Net Framework 4.0集成模式 二.IIS Access is denied:程序所在文件夹给予Everyone权限 三.HTTP 错误 500.21 - Internal Server Error:以管理员身份注册IIS(32位或64位), %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i 32位机器: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0…