1.Border radius The border-radius property can be used to working clockwise from top-left set border-top-left-radius/border-top-right-radius/border-bottom-right-radius/border-bottom-left-radius -webkit-border-radius and -moz-border-radius ,old browse…
Object-Oriented Code 1. var Person = function (name) { this.name = name; }; Person.prototype.say = function (words) { alert(this.name + ' says "' + words + '"'); }; var tom = new Person("tom"); tom.say("Hello"); 2.Inheritance…
1.Exploring the depths of HTML5 2.</time> <p>Written by Doctor Who on <time datetime="2052-11-21 09:30">Thursday 21st November 2052 9:30</time>.</p> the value of should be a machine-readable date and/or time 3.<…
1.animate parts of your design without the need for the likes of JavaScrip 2.allowing smooth animation (rather than a jump from one state to another). transition:[transition-property-default:all], transition-duration, [transition-timing-function-defa…
1.with the attribute abbr[title]{color:red} 2.with the attribute and it's value input[type=text][disabled]{width:200px;} 3. CSS 3 further allows you to match an attribute without being exact: [attribute^=something] will match a the value of an attrib…