test for cvx library in matlab - windows】的更多相关文章

Download the zip file of cvx http://cvxr.com/cvx/download/ by downloading cvx-w64.zip Require a licence for academic use a file named cvx_license.dat Install with licence unzip the zip file into the toolbox directory ($MatlabRoot\toolbox) run the com…
1 install memcached 1.4.4 Windows 32-bit  2 cd into the base file and type memcached.exe -d install to install the service 3 type memcached.exe -d start to start the service 4 install python-memcached library 5 cd into the dir and type python memcach…
Thanks  http://www.matlabsky.com/thread-120-1-1.html Install directory $MatlabRoot\toolbox or >> matlabroot >> winopen(ans) 解压文件夹到toolbox文件夹里面 Set path and test >> addpath('E:\software\MATLAB\R2014a\toolbox\mathmodl') >> savepath &…
The Robotics Library is an open source C++ library for robot kinematics, motion planning and control. The official website provides a Windows installer. But it's release only and has no debug information. To better debug into the library, we need to…
1.平面操作工具箱 http://cathy.ijs.si/~leon/planman.html 2.SimMechanics 工具箱 (这个好像不是免费的) http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/physmod/mech/mech.shtml 3.gaot工具箱(遗传算法工具箱) http://www.dytrol.com/viewFile.asp?Boardid=11&ID=263 4.Optimization Toolb…
MATLAB Toolboxes top (Top) Audio - Astronomy - BiomedicalInformatics - Chemometrics  - Chaos - Chemistry - Coding - Control - Communications - Engineering - Data Mining - Excel - FEM - Fuzzy - Finance - GAs - Graph - Graphics - Images - ICA - Kernel …
ELF (Executable Linkable Format)UNIX类操作系统中普遍采用的目标文件格式 . 首先要知道它有什么作用:工具接口标准委员会TIS已经将ELF作为运行在Intel32位架构之上的各类型操作系统的可导出对象文件格式标准.ELF标准为开发者提供了一组横跨多运行环境的二进制接口定义来组织软件开发 :ELF 标准的目的是为软件开发人员提供一组二进制接口定义,这些接口可以延伸到多种操作环境,从而减少重新编码.重新编译程序的需要.接口的内容包括目标模块格式.可执行文件格式以及调…
catalog . windows Security and Protection(Logon and Authentication) . windows密码强制安全策略 . PAM(Pluggable Authentication Modules) . linux密码强制安全策略配置 1. windows Security and Protection(Logon and Authentication) This page lists resources for logon and authe…
matlab tips and tricks and ... page overview: I created this page as a vectorization helper but it grew to become my annotated Matlab reading cache. In order to motivate the DSP people out there, I am showing below how one can apply a window and scal…
MATLAB的路径有多种,这里只讲一下启动时设置成MATLAB的用户的默认工作路径. 本人不想去改MATLAB的原来系统文件,而是尽量利用startup.m.这个文件默认在'/home/r/文档/MATLAB'中,如果没有就自己新建这个文件.在这个文件的末尾添加 cd '自己的工作目录' MATLAB在启动的最后将加载这个文件,从而跳转到自己希望的目录. -----------------------------------------------------------------------…