about loops in assembly code】的更多相关文章

总结: 实际上只有一种结构,都是 do-while 结构…
在WinDbg中,可以通过输入命令(u, ub, uu (Unassemble))或使用反汇编窗口查看程序汇编代码. 如何打开 DissAssembly Code窗口 通过菜单View-->Disassembly 快捷键Alt+7 工具栏按钮 DissAssembly窗口 通过上面的方式打开的窗口如下 调试器获取一段内存,将其解释为二进制机器指令,然后将其反汇编以生成机器指令的汇编语言版本.生成的代码将显示在“反汇编”窗口中. 在“反汇编”窗口中,可以执行以下操作: 若要反汇编内存的不同部分,请…
Address operand syntax There are up to 4 parameters of an address operand that are presented in the syntax displacement(base register, offset register, scalar multiplier). This is equivalent to [base register + displacement + offset register * scalar…
#include <stdio.h> const char shell[]="\x0f\x01\xf8\xe8\5\0\0\0\x0f\x01\xf8\x48\xcf"; int main(){ } $ gcc -o disassembly disassembly.c $ objdump -D disassembly | less $ /shell 08048410 <shell>: 8048410: 0f 01 f8 swapgs 8048413: e8 05…
ref:http://www.coranac.com/tonc/text/asm.htm 23.1. Introduction Very broadly speaking, you can divide programming languages into 4 classes. At the lowest level is machine code: raw numbers that the CPU decodes into instructions to execute. One step u…
注:写在前面,这是一篇翻译文章,本人的英文水平很有限,但内嵌汇编是学习操作系统不可少的知识,本人也常去查看这方面的内容,本文是在做mit的jos实验中的一篇关于内嵌汇编的介绍.关于常用的内嵌汇编(AT&T格式)的语法都有介绍,同时在篇末还列出了常用的一些内嵌汇编代码的写法.看了很有益处.大牛就不必看了.当然非常欢迎对文章中的翻译错误或不当之处进行指正. ps:这是这篇文章的原地址:http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/doc/brennan/brennan_att_inlin…
左按:当年需要一份详细的代码评审清单作参考,翻译了此文. 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载.   目录(?)[-] General Code Smoke Test 通用测试 Comments and Coding Conventions 注释和代码风格 Error Handling  错误处理 Resource Leaks 资源泄漏 Thread Safeness  线程安全性 Control Structures  控制结构 Performance 性能 Functions…
接着上一篇,现在明确问题:在汇编克隆搜索文献中,有四种类型的克隆[15][16][17]:Type1.literally identical(字面相同):Type2.syntactically equivalent(语法等价):Type3.slightly modified(稍作修改):Type4.semantically similar(语义相似).文章主要关注类型4克隆,虽然汇编代码有可能在语法上不同,但是在源代码层次函数的功能逻辑是相同的.例如,有混淆和没有混淆的相同代码,或者不同版本的之…
A code sequence made up multiple instructions and specifying an offset from a base address is identified in an object file. The offset from the base address corresponds to an offset location in a memory configured for storing an address of a variable…
BUFFER OVERFLOW 3 An Assembly Language Introduction Basic of x86 Architecture Assembly Language Compiler, Assembler & Linker Function Operation Stack Stack Operation Stack based Buffer Overflow Shellcode: The Payload Vulnerability & Exploit Exampl…
A method and system for obfuscating computer code of a program to protect it from the adverse effects of malware is provided. The obfuscation system retrieves an executable form of the computer code. The obfuscation system then selects various obfusc…
While 64-bit x86 processors have now been on the market for more than 5 years, software support is only slowly catching on. 64-bit x86, or x86-64 as its inventors at AMD called it, not only offers programmers the ability to manipulate and address dat…
/* 输入文件见337.in.txt 输出文件见338.out.txt */ #include <iostream> #include <cctype> #include <fstream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; * + ; //单词表的最大值 + ; //单词长度的最大值 struct WordList { char word[maxWord]; //单词 int fre; //词频 } list[…
This is a quick guide covering nearly all of Nemerle's features. It should be especially useful to anyone who is already familiar with C# or a similar language: Table of Contents Variables Operators Logical Operators Bit Operators Type Casts/Conversi…
https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/DeveloperTools/Reference/XcodeBuildSettingRef/1-Build_Setting_Reference/build_setting_ref.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40003931-CH3-DontLinkElementID_10 Product Information Build Settings These buil…
这里从SDK的文章中摘录出全部的API变化.主要是希望用户用搜索引擎时能找到相关信息: Major changes and renovations to the Revit API APIchanges .NET 4.5 Revit's API is now built with and requires .NET 4.5 forcompilation. VisualC++ runtime 11 update 4 (Visual Studio 2012) Revit is now built w…
[Game Engine Architecture 5] 1.Memory Ordering Semantics These mysterious and vexing problems can only occur on a multicore machine with a multilevel cache. A cache coherency protocol is a communication mechanism that permits cores to share data betw…
When we write a loop, most of us will use post increase or decrease, but there is a better solution. See below examples, which one is the better one? Example1: uint8_t CalcParity1(uint8_t* data, uint8_t len) { uint8_t rt = ; ; i < len; i++) { if (*da…
C++ Core Guidelines September 9, 2015 Editors: Bjarne Stroustrup Herb Sutter This document is a very early draft. It is inkorrekt, incompleat, and pµøoorly formatted. Had it been an open source (code) project, this would have been release 0.6. Copy…
| Main | Site Index | Download | mimetic A free/GPL C++ MIME Library mimetic is a free/GPL Email library (MIME) written in C++ designed to be easy to use and integrate but yet fast and efficient. It is based on the C++ standard library and heavily us…
Chapter 3. Compiling for the Java Virtual Machine 内容列表 3.1. Format of Examples 3.2. Use of Constants, Local Variables, and Control Constructs 3.3. Arithmetic 3.4. Accessing the Run-Time Constant Pool 3.5. More Control Examples 3.6. Receiving Argument…
http://exploredegrees.stanford.edu/coursedescriptions/cs/ CS 101. Introduction to Computing Principles. 3-5 Units. Introduces the essential ideas of computing: data representation, algorithms, programming "code", computer hardware, networking, s…
1) struct usbdevfs_bulktransfer {        unsigned int ep;        unsigned int len;        unsigned int timeout; /* in milliseconds */        void __user *data;};till now, I can't forget the interviewer in 2014 in tecent, who let me write assembly cod…
AppDomain是CLR的运行单元,它可以加载Assembly.创建对象以及执行程序. AppDomain是CLR实现代码隔离的基本机制. 每一个AppDomain可以单独运行.停止:每个AppDomain有自己默认的异常处理:一个AppDomain的运行失败不会影响到其他的AppDomain. CLR在被CLR Host(windows shell or InternetExplorer or SQL Server)加载后,要创建一个默认的AppDomain,程序的入口点 (Main方法)就…
http://7dot9.com/?p=444 http://whydoidoit.com/2012/08/20/unity-serializer-mono-and-trampolines/ 确定具体原因 那么好吧,打一个测试版本再来看,然后再等着崩溃,查看崩溃日志吧,最终看到的崩溃日志中,崩溃线程输出信息如下: Thread 27 Crashed: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x38e671fc __pthread_kill + 8 1 libsystem_pthrea…
1.BIOS 0xFFFF0 電源正常啟動後,x86 CPU 會先執行 0xFFFF0,也就是 BIOS ROM 的進入點.由於 0xFFFF0 ~ 0xFFFFF 只有少的很可憐的 16 bytes,真正的 BIOS code 勢必要擺到其他位置,此時 0xFFFF0 的作用便是 jmp 到該位置執行 BIOS 程式. POST (Power-On Self Test) BIOS 程式的第一個動作就是執行最基本的 POST 檢查,確保系統在開機當中可以正常運作.通常用 beep 聲來表示檢查結…
②在KILE软件的菜单中,选择Project-->Options for  Target 'Target 1',-->Listing选择Assembly code就能生产*.LST文件.在LST文件中就有生产的汇编代码.如果便于直观查看,在调试时,选择Disassembly可以单步调试擦看C-->汇编的转换. ③C转汇编的实际过程是,C--->汇编,C--->HEX--->汇编,后面的这个叫反汇编.再有了LST,那么如何转呢? 1.汇编和C语言都一样,通常都是程序模块化…
这是一个老黄历的事件,曾记得淘宝上的卖家卖10元卖50g网络硬盘,并且卖的相当的火,一个月就卖了500个账号.由于我也是那个事件的亲身经历者之一,这里就看到了IMEI号在项目中防止作弊是何其的重要. 是不是,觉得我说的什么云里雾里的东西吧.好吧,我这里就说整个事件的前因后果把.是这样子,那个时候,新浪的微盘还不是很火的时候,当然了新浪微盘一直都没有真正火爆过,他为了提高他的装机量,他的注册用户量.那个时候,htc的手机还是异常的火爆,他们同htc搞活动,要求内置微盘的客户端了,而htc则要求新浪…
1. Introduction The Saga of Ryzom is a persistent massively-multiplayer online game (MMORPG) released in September 2004 throughout Europe and North America, localised in 3 languages so far. It has been developed by Nevrax since 2000, and was taken ov…
转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/china_blue/archive/2010/01/15/1648523.html 声明,仅为了便于自己记忆和查询,非原创,摘自:http://blog.csdn.net/skywalkzf/archive/2009/12/24/5068966.aspx 什么是 "asmlinkage"? 相信大家在看linux的source code的时候,都会注意到asmlinkage这个宏,它是用来做什么的呢? The asmlinkage…