Methods and systems are disclosed for ultra-wideband (UWB) secure wireless device pairing. Secure pairing between devices for secure UWB communications is conducted over in-band UWB communications to provide secure pairing without requiring a visual…
因为内核比较新的关系,tenda官方网站上面提供给u1无线网卡的驱动并不能正常编译使用,编译的时候报一个类似错误 /usr/src/linux-headers--kali1-common/Makefile:: recipe for target '_module_/root/Downloads/DPO_MT7601U_LinuxSTA_3.0.0.4_20130913/os/linux' failed ]: *** [_module_/root/Downloads/DPO_MT7601U_Lin…
Broadcom's Wireless Internet Connectivity for Embedded Devices (WICED™) platform (pronounced "wik-id") eases development effort and simplifies the implementation of Internet connectivity in an array of consumer devices, especially those without…
From: UWB超宽带定位技术属于无线定位技术的一种.无线定位技术是指用来判定移动用户位置的测量方法和计算方法,即定位算法.目前最常用的定位技术主要有:时差定位技术.信号到达角度测量(AOA)技术.到达时间定位(TOA)和到达时间差定位(TDOA)等.其中,TDOA技术是目前最为流行的一种方案,UWB超宽带定位采用的也是这种技术.下面以国内UWB定位解决方案供应商恒高科技为例,为大家详细介绍UWB超宽带定位. 0. 背景 0.1…
技术背景 随着无线通信技术的发展和数据处理能力的提高,基于位置的服务成为最有前途的互联网业务之一.无论移动在室内还是室外环境下,快速准确地获得移动终端的位置信息和提供位置服务的需求变得日益迫切.通信和定位两大系统正在相互融合.相互促进.利用无线通信和参数测量确定移动终端位置,而定位信息又可以用来支持位置业务和优化网络管理,提高位置服务质量和网络性能.所以,在各种不同的无线网络中快速.准确.稳定地获取移动位置信息的定位技术及其定位系统已经成为当前的研究热点. 无线定位技术领域可分为广域定位和短距离… Architecture of Device I/O Drivers Many embedded systems developers will tell you that writing a device driver consists of a lot of "bit-bashing and register-twiddling" to convince some ornery unit… Gentoo LinuxGentoo内核(gentoo-sources)特有的选项 Gentoo Linux supportCONFIG_GENTOO_LINUX 选"Y"后,将会自动选中那些在Gentoo环境中必须开启的内核选项,以避免用户遗漏某些必要的选项,减轻一些用户配置内核的难度.建议选…
============================================================================== 深入linux kernel内核配置选项 ============================================================================== 如果自己不亲自实践配置的话,你永远也体会不到内核的真实所在. 使用过linux的发行版之一gentoo的话,你应该知道这是一个彻头彻尾的自定义… What does it do? This project configures your Raspberry Pi to connect to the Internet through ethernet, and share that connection over WiFi. What do you need? A Raspberry Pi, model B. A boot SD card for the Rasp…
发现个USB ID站点,对于做设备管理识别的小伙伴特别实用 附录: # # List of USB ID's # # Maintained by Stephen J. Gowdy <> # If you have any new entries, please submit them via # # or s…
Features supported by driver Zynq All the HW/IP features are supported by driver ZynqMP All the HW/IP features are supported by driver Missing features, known Issues, limitations SD UHS modes support is disabled in the driver currently due to board a…
A method and apparatus enable Internet of Things (IoT) services based on a SMART IoT architecture by integrating connectivity, content, cognition, context, cloud, and collaboration. Joint optimization of a combination of any of connectivity, content,…
Security Checklist Website by     Michael Horowitz  Home | Introduction | Router Bugs | Security Checklist | Tests | Resources | About | The most expert person in the world can only make a router as secure as the firmware (router OS) allows. The foll…
# cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf # cp GENERIC GENERIC.20060812# ee GENERIC 如果要加入ipf防火墙的话则加入options         IPFIREWALLoptions         IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPToptions         IPFIREWALL_FORWARDoptions         IPDIVERT # cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf 运行confi…
What Are the Controls?The detailed Consensus Audit Guidelines are posted at along with detailed control descriptions, examples of attacks they stop or mitigate, how to automate them, and how to test them. Below is the list of… Home ≫ Products ≫ ForeScout CounterACT® ≫ SEE ≫ See Capabilities* See Capabilities*   Device Information   Device type (printer, wireless network device, laptop, etc.) Device…
The Best Hacking Tools Hacking Tools : List of security tools specifically aimed toward security professionals for testing and demonstrating security weaknesses.     Passwords Cain & Abel Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Opera…
Bsd内核选项总结 一: 下面这个选项在每个内核中都要有: machine i386 它指明了机器的硬件体系结构.它必须是i386, pc98, sparc64, alpha, ia64, amd64, 和powerpc当中的一 种. cpu I486_CPU cpu I586_CPU cpu I686_CPU 二: ident GENERIC ident 是一个内核的标识符.你应该把它改成想给内核取的名字, 注意:象machine 与cpu 这两个设置.如果你的内核名称包含数字,请记得用双引号…
A process performed on a server includes configuring the server to enable script for a Web service to be defined dynamically, where the Web service includes an application program interface (API) for enabling access by, and interaction with, a comput…
常用的渗透测试平台 CTFTools kali (近亲 Ubuntu) Parrot Security OS PentestBox --由印度人开发,运行在Windows下的渗透测试环境 kali Linux历史 About Kali Linux Kali Linux (formerly known as BackTrack Linux) is an open-source, Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at advanced Penetratio…


AAU (Active Antenna Unit) In the MBB (Mobile Broadband) era, the astonishing growth in data traffic carried by mobile broadband systems brought on by the integration of video, social networking and the overwhelming acceptance of mobile terminals puts…
BluetoothChat核心类BluetoothChatService,该类用于管理与其他设备的蓝牙连接和设置.该类包含AcceptThread.ConnectedThread.ConnectThread三个线程.AcceptThread用于监听传入的连接.ConnectedThread用于管理与远程设备的连接,处理所有数据的传入与传出.ConnectThread用于连接远程设备. 类图如下: //获取设备蓝牙 BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter = Blue…
特别提醒:自行定制的内核,必須经过全方位测试无誤后,方能用于生产环境 基于:/usr/src/sys/amd64/conf/GENERIC cpu HAMMER ident TEST_kernel ##makeoptions DEBUG=-g # Build kernel with gdb() debug symbols:若不使用 Dtrace 可注释掉 ##makeoptions WITH_CTF= # Run ctfconvert() for DTrace support:若不使用 Dtra…
不同频段的RFID产品会有不同的特性,本文详细介绍了无源的感应器在不同工作频率产品的特性以及主要的应用. 目前定义RFID产品的工作频率有低频.高频和甚高频的频率范围内的符合不同标准的不同的产品,而且不同频段的RFID产品会有不同的特性. 其中感应器有无源和有源两种方式,下面详细介绍无源的感应器在不同工作频率产品的特性以及主要的应用. 1. 低频(从125KHz到134KHz)   其实RFID技术首先在低频得到广泛的应用和推广.该频率主要是通过电感耦合的方式进行工作, 也就是在读写器线圈和感应…
var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = ''; document.body.appendChild(script); #define SIOCSIWSTATS 0x8B0E  /* Unused */ #define SIOCGIWSTATS 0x8B0F  /* 获取 /proc/net/wireless的stat…
蓝牙是一种支持设备短距离传输数据的无线技术.android在2.0以后提供了这方面的支持. 从查找蓝牙设备到能够相互通信要经过几个基本步骤(本机做为服务器): 1.设置权限 在manifest中配置 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN&qu…
Using Sessions and Session Persistence The following sections describe how to set up and use sessions and session persistence: Overview of HTTP Sessions Setting Up Session Management Configuring Session Persistence Using URL Rewriting Instead of Cook…
加载bcmdhd模块:# modprobe bcmdhd 如果你希望开启 AP 模式,那么:# modprobe bcmdhd op_mode=2 在/etc/modules文件内添加bcmdhd op_mode=2,以实现bcmdhd模块的开机自动加载. hostapd安装与配置 参考链接: 安装hostapd: 1…
蓝牙是一种支持设备短距离传输数据的无线技术.android在2.0以后提供了这方面的支持. 从查找蓝牙设备到能够相互通信要经过几个基本步骤(本机做为服务器): 1.设置权限 在manifest中配置 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN&qu…
硬件环境:     开发板为RT5053F        3G模块为中兴 MC2176 电信版 以下是操作步骤 加入VID .PID VID . PID 的获取方法是 将设备插入电脑在linux下执行lsusb命令,如图 watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQvdTAxMTY0MTg4NQ==/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/SouthEast" a…