今天在论坛里发现了一个关于ORA-04091的老帖子,收获良多,特此整理一下 关于ORA-04091: table is mutating, trigger/function may not see it的分析 当DML操作触发trigger的时候,如果trigger的程序块中需要对当前表进行修改或查询的时候,就会报错ORA-04091: table is mutating, trigger/function may not see it 这是有在被触发TRIGGER工作的时候,默认把当前表表锁…
今天同事让我看一个触发器为什么老是报错,当执行DML语句触发触发器后,会报ORA-04091错误:ORA-04091: table xxxx is mutating, trigger/function may not see it .对应的中文错误提示为:ORA-04091: 表 xxx发生了变化, 触发器/函数不能读它. 原因分析: [oracle@DB-Server ~]$ oerr ora 409104091, 00000, "table %s.%s is mutating, trigge…
Connected to Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release Connected as tbcs SQL> SQL> SQL> drop trigger tbcs.TRG_CJW_TEST; drop trigger tbcs.TRG_CJW_TEST ORA-04080: trigger 'TRG_CJW_TEST' does not exist SQL> drop table tbcs.cjw_te…
[Err] 1442 - Can't update table 'test_trigger' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test_trigger`; CREATE TABLE `test_trigger` ( `id` ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCR…
MySQL触发器更新本表数据异常:Can't update table 'tbl' in stored function/trigger because it 博客分类: 数据库 MySQLJava 如果你在触发器里面对刚刚插入的数据进行了 insert/update, 则出现这个问题.因为会造成循环的调用. Java代码 收藏代码 create trigger test before update on tablename for each row update tablename set N…
MySQL: Solution for ERROR 1442 (HY000): Can't update table 'xxx' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger. 今天在做触发器时发生了这个错误 原因是在对某表操作时同时触发对该表插入 估计这在mysql不允许的 不可以把触发条件和触发动作归于一表…
如果你在触发器里面对刚刚插入的数据进行了 insert/update, 则出现这个问题.因为会造成循环的调用. create trigger test before update on test for each row update test set NEW.updateTime = NOW() where id=NEW.ID; END 应该使用set操作,而不是在触发器里使用 update,比如 create trigger test before update on test for ea…
postgres=# \c warehouse_db You are now connected to database "warehouse_db" as user "postgres".warehouse_db=# set search_path ='record';SETwarehouse_db=# show search_path ; search_path ------------- record(1 row) warehouse_db=# create…
1.oracle字符串分割函数split )定义split_type类型: CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE split_type IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2 (4000) )定义split函数: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION split ( p_str IN VARCHAR2, p_delimiter IN VARCHAR2 default(',') --分隔符,默认逗号 ) RETURN split_type IS …
最近工作中写了一触发器报错:ORA-04091:table XX is mutating, trigger/function may not see it. 下面通过官方文档及网友提供资料分析一下错误原因及解决方法: 1.查看oracle官方文档: 原因:触发器(或者被语句中引用的用户自定义PL/SQL函数)视图去查询(或修改)一个被另一语句修改而触发的表. 解决方法:重写触发器(或函数)避免读该表. 2.根据错误原因我们写如下触发器,重现错误: 使用scott方案,创建一下表.触发器: [s…
通常情况下,Oracle数据库禁止在行级触发器或行级触发器所调用的子程序中使用查询语句.但是,面对复杂的业务逻辑,不可避免的要使用查询语句. 当在行级触发器中使用查询语句时,Oracle数据库会抛出ORA-04091异常. Oracle官方文档中对ORA-04091异常的说明如下: ORA-04091: table string.string is mutating, trigger/function may not see it Cause: A trigger (or a user defi…
MySql Error: Can't update table in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger I am running a MySQL Query. But when a new row is added from form input I get this error: Error:Can't update…
本函数用途:返回一个Table 在Oracle中实现,范例: --在Types中: create or replace type objTable as object ( s_usercode varchar2(), s_username varchar2() ); CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE tabTemp AS TABLE OF objtable; --在Function中: --使用Pipeline管道函数和Pipe row() create or replace fun…
看到mysql的触发器,随手写了一个: mysql> create trigger t_ai_test -> after insert on test -> for each row -> begin -> update test set name='test_1'; -> end;$ Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) OK 没问题! mysql> insert into test values(2,'test');$ E…