1.        Entropy 2.        序列熵(无记忆,有记忆,马尔科夫) 3.   Fixed-to-variable-length codes  (给n个输出symbols进行变长编码) 4.        Asymptotic Equipartition Property 渐近等分性 渐近等分性是指随机变量长序列的一种重要特性,是编码定理的理论基础,简称AEP. 定义: 当随机变量的序列足够长时,其中一部分序列就显现出一种典型的性质:这些序列中各个符号的出现频数非常接近于各…
When you render a component with the Shallow Renderer, you have access to the underlying object. We can write lots of useful tests to check that our components are working as expected. In this lesson, we will use the type property on the shallow rend…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"><mapper namespace="com.ZXC.lesson.dao.LessonUserD…
ES2019 introduces the Symbol.prototype.description property. In this lesson, we'll learn why this property is useful and unlocks Symbols as appropriate to use to represent strings constants in JS. We'll investigate a use case for string constants and…
In this lesson, we look at one of the most powerful features in GIF Loop Coder, the phase property, which allows you to let different objects run animations shifted in time. function onGLC(glc) { glc.loop(); // glc.size(400, 400); // glc.setDuration(…
This lesson covers using the [input] syntax to change an element property such as “hidden” or “content-editable”. Using properties eliminates the need for Angular 1’s old directives such as ng-show and ng-hide as you’re now able to directly access an…
Reducers are also often used for changing a single property inside of other reducers. This lesson shows how a type can enter the people reducer, but then the people reducer can use a different type to call the clock reducer and get a value back. So t…
发表在我的独立网站http://kesenhoo.github.io/blog/2013/06/30/android-training-ui-creating-custom-views-lesson-0/ ,欢迎访问! Android的framework有大量的Views用来与用户进行交互并显示不同种类的数据.但是有时候你的程序有个特殊的需求,而Android内置的views组件并不能实现.这一章节会演示如何创建你自己的views,并使得它们是robust与reusable的. Dependen…
SpagoBI Lesson 4: BIRT Reports BIRT BIRT is the acronym for Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools and is an open source initiative to create a fully functional reporting tool using open source tools. BIRT supports various types of reports such as…
SpagoBI Lesson 2: OLAP with JPIVOT Online Analytical Processing Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) enables one to analyze different dimensions of multidimensional data. It enables one to analyze data from different perspectives. Consider sales data…