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Alex and Number 时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 69  解决: 12[提交][状态] 题目描述 Alex love Number theory. Today he think a easy problem, Give you number N and L, To calculate N^1 + N^2 + N^3 + ... + N^L, And ans will mod 1e9+7 输入 Many test of input(about 10W cas…
今日概要: 1. 结构体和方法 2. 接口 一.go中的struct 1. 用来自定义复杂数据结构 2. struct里面可以包含多个字段(属性) 3. struct类型可以定义方法,注意和函数的区分 4. struct类型是值类型 5. struct类型可以嵌套 6. Go语言没有class类型,只有struct类型 1.struct声明 type 标识符 struct { field1 type field2 type } 例子: type Student struct { Name str…
#提交任务的两种方式 #1.同步调用:提交完任务后,就在原地等待任务执行完毕,拿到结果,再执行下一行代码,导致程序是串行执行 一.提交任务的两种方式 1.同步调用:提交任务后,就在原地等待任务完毕,拿到结果,再执行下一行代码,导致程序串行执行 from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import time import random def produce(name): print('%s is producing' %name) ti…
Following content is directly reprinted from : Author: Alex Shevchuk The main page for the series is here. Introduction When we install any msi…
Following content is directly reprinted from From MSI to WiX, Part 2 - ARP support Author: Alex Shevchuk Adding Add/Remove Program (ARP) support Subset of properties stored in the Property table defines the information operating system will show in A…
Following content is directly reprinted from From MSI to WiX, Part 1 - Required properties Author: Alex Shevchuk Introduction Today I will start a series of posts about creating an MSI installation package using WiX.  The goal here is to show what is…
mysql数据库1005错误解决方法 MySQL Error Number 1005 Can’t create table ‘.\mydb\#sql-328_45.frm’ (errno: 150) MySQL Error Number 1005Can’t create table ‘.\mydb\#sql-328_45.frm’ (errno: 150) If you get this error while trying to create a foreign key, it can be…
Alex decided to try his luck in TV shows. He once went to the quiz named "What's That Word?!". After perfectly answering the questions "How is a pseudonym commonly referred to in the Internet?" ("Um... a nick?"), "After…
Problem J: Alex’s Foolish Function Time Limit: 8 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB Submit: 18  Solved: 2 Description Alex has an array F which size is n, initially each element’s value is zero. Now he wants to operate the array, he has 4 different functions:…
1040: Alex and Asd fight for two pieces of cake Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB Submit: 27  Solved: 12 [Submit][Status][Web Board] Description Alex and Asd have found two pieces of cake on table of weight a and b grams.They are so greedy that…