By: Paul Randal Posted on: March 18, 2014 6:55 pm   [Edit 2016: Check out my new resource – a comprehensive library of all wait types and latch classes – see here.] Wait statistics, as you know, are one of my favorite things to do with SQL Server,…
Key特性可以被用到类的属性中,Code-First默认约定,创建一个主键,是以属性的名字“Id”,或者是类名+Id来的. Key特性重写了这个默认的约定,你可以应用Key特性到一个类的属性上面,不管这个属性的名字是什么,你都可以创建一个主键. 让我们看看下面的代码吧: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using System.Componen…
最近写了个Matlab程序,好慢呐……所以开始学习Matlab与C/C++混合编程.下面写了个测试代码,显示一个Double类型矩阵中的元素. 源代码 #include "mex.h" void displaySubscript( const mxArray *pArray, mwSize index ); // 入口函数void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) {   …
开始完全一头雾水呀,后面看了Java指令集的介绍,逐渐理解了. 下面这个答案比较直白 你在面月薪10000的Java高级研发职位.面试官对JVM有一些了解,想让你说说JVM会如何实现 instanceof 指令.但他可能也没看过实际的JVM是怎么做的,只是臆想过一下而已.JVM的规定就是"底层".这种情况就给他JVM规范对 instanceof 指令的定义就好: Chapte…
Quick Ref:--------------------------------------------------bhi [filename] BuildHeapIndex - Builds an index file for heap objects.bpsc (Deprecated. Use !mbp instead)chi ClearHeapIndex - Frees all resources used by the heap index and removes it from m…
原地址: Home / Database / Oracle Database Online Documentation 11g Release 2 (11.2) / Database Administration Data Types Each value manipulated by Oracle Database has a data type. The data type of a value associates a fixed set of properties with the va…
[RealtimeRendering III] 1.砖块渲染实例. 1)brick & mortar diffuse texture. 2)brick & mortar gloss texture. 3)applying bump mapping, the surface normals of the bricks may be varied so that when they are rendered, they do not appear to be perfectly smooth.…
Open Declaration Element org.w3c.dom.Document.getElementById(String elementId) Returns the Element that has an ID attribute with the given value. If no such element exists, this returns null . If more than one element has an ID attribute with that va…
全BADI一览  List of BAPI's       BAPI WG Component Function module name Description Description Obj. Type Object name Method name Release Message type   1 RW TR BAPI_SECURITYPRICE_GETDETAIL Security price Import a single security price BUS1099 SecurityP…
作者 博客:    本文的copyright归openwince@gmail.com所有,使用GPL发布,可以自由拷贝,转载.但转载请保持文档的完整性,注明原作者及原链接,严禁用于任何商业用途. ======================================================== 本文讨论的是基于DVSDK3,硬件平台是ZMV6467.   DVSDK TI为达芬奇平台的开发…
Spring Data JPA通过提供基于JPA的Repository极大地减少JPA作为数据访问方案的代码量. 1.定义数据访问层 使用Spring Data JPA建立数据访问层十分简单,只需定义一个继承JpaRepository的接口即可,接口如下: @RepositoryRestResource(path = "people") public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<Person, Long>…
List Never swallow the exception in catch block Declare the specific checked exceptions that your method can throw Do not catch the Exception class rather catch specific sub classes Never catch Throwable class Always correctly wrap the exceptions in… By: Paul Randal Posted on: December 9, 2010 3:18 pm   (Check out my Pluralsight online training course: SQL Server: Performance Troubleshooting Using Wait Statisti…
Preface Working with both Object-Oriented software and Relational Databases can be cumbersome and time consuming. Development costs are significantly higher due to a paradigm mismatch between how data is represented in objects versus relational datab…
A system management mode (SMM) of operating a processor includes only a basic set of hardwired hooks or mechanisms in the processor for supporting SMM. Most of SMM functionality, such as the processing actions performed when entering and exiting SMM,…
原文地址: This post is another addition in best practices series available in this blog. In this post, I am covering some well-known and some little known practices which you must…
Compute API 是 RESTful HTTP 服务,提供管理虚机的能力. 虚机可能有不同的内存大小,CPU数量,硬盘大小,能够在几分钟之内创建出来.和虚机的交互,可以通过Compute API编程实现. 用户需要知道的概念 Server A virtual machine (VM) instance, physical machine or a container in the compute system. Flavor and image are requisite elements…
Compiling evironment: linux (ubuntu 16.04)+ gcc-10.2. The post will focus on using export,import,visible and reachable. 1 export C++'s export keyword was originally meant to permit the separation of the definition of a template from its usages. It pr…
启动apache遇到错误:httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name [root@server httpd-2.2.4]# /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using f…
早上巡检的的时候,发现一数据库的作业报如下错误(作业名等敏感信息已经替换),该作业的OWNER为一个域账号: JOB RUN: 'JOB_NAME' was run on 2016-6-1 at 7:00:00 DURATION: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 1 seconds STATUS: Failed MESSAGES: The job failed. Unable to determine if the owner (Domain\UserName) of job JOB_N…
在Ubuntu上安装Apache,每次重启,都会出现以下错误提示: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName 解决办法 修改 httpd.conf 文件 打开终端,输入以下命令: sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf 默认情况下,这个是一个空文件,在文件中加入以下内容: ServerName localhost…
今天在写WebDriver处理弹出框(alert.confirm.prompt)演示实例脚本分发给朋友时,在其执行时未能成功执行,对应的部分错误详情如下: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: unknown error: cannot determine loading status from unexpected alert open (Session info: chrome=53.0.2785.116) (Driver info: chromed…
问题:打开"VS2010开发人员命令提示后",上面提示"cannot determine the location of the vs common tools folder" 解决方法:添加PATH环境变量(计算机-属性-高级系统设置-高级-环境变量),值为:C:\Windows\System32…
参考:ERROR Cannot determine the location of the VS Common Tools Folder vs2012 无法使用命令行提示符?   提示: ERROR: Cannot determine the location of the VS Common Tools folder. 百度了很多方法,都是直接修改vcvars32.bat 文件…
国内私募机构九鼎控股打造APP,来就送 20元现金领取地址: 内部邀请码:C8E245J (不写邀请码,没有现金送) 国内私募机构九鼎控股打造,九鼎投资是在全国股份转让系统挂牌的公众公司,股票代码为430719,为“中国PE第一股”,市值超1000亿元.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
Given a binary tree and a sum, determine if the tree has a root-to-leaf path such that adding up all the values along the path equals the given sum. For example: Given the below binary tree andsum = 22, 5 / \ 4 8 / / \ 11 13 4 / \ \ 7 2 1 return true…
一.解决APR和APR-util错误: 1.1.安装APR: [root@ganglia httpd-2.2.23]# cd srclib/apr [root@ganglia apr]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apr root@ganglia apr]# make && make install 1.2.安装APR-util: [root@ganglia apr]# cd ../apr-util/ [root@ganglia apr-util]#…
vjudge上题目链接:Determine the Shape 第二道独自 A 出的计算几何水题,题意就是给你四个点,让你判断它是哪种四边形:正方形.矩形.菱形.平行四边形.梯形 or 普通四边形. 按照各个四边形的特征层层判断就行,只是这题四个点的相对位置不确定(点与点之间是相邻还是相对并不确定),所以需要枚举各种情况,幸好 4 个点一共只有 3 种不同的情况:abcd.abdc.acbd 画个图就能一目了然,接下来就是编码了,无奈因为一些细节问题我还是调试了还一会 o(╯□╰)o #incl…
启动apache提示 : apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName ... waiting apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName (1)…