LeetCode记录之9——Palindrome Number】的更多相关文章

LeetCode真是个好东西,本来闲了一下午不想看书,感觉太荒废时间了就来刷一道题.能力有限,先把easy的题目给刷完. Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. 确定一个整数是否是回文. 做这个没有额外的空间. 这道题毕竟是easy级别的,花了大概5分钟就写出来了.我的思路就是判断回文要首尾一一对照么,如果把int转换成string类型的话比较字符就方便多了. class Solutio…
9. Palindrome Number Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. click to show spoilers. Some hints: Could negative integers be palindromes? (ie, -1) If you are thinking of converting the integer to string, note the res…
1.题目 9. Palindrome Number   Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. An integer is a palindrome when it reads the same backward as forward. Example 1: Input: 121 Output: true Example 2: Input: -121 Output: false Explanation: From left to right,…
LeetCode第9题 Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. An integer is a palindrome when it reads the same backward as forward. Example 1: Input: 121 Output: true Example 2: Input: -121 Output: false Explanation: From left to right, it reads -121. F…
题目等级:Easy 题目描述: Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. An integer is a palindrome when it reads the same backward as forward. Example 1: Input: 121 Output: true Example 2: Input: -121 Output: false Explanation: From left to right, it reads -12…
题目: Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. Some hints: Could negative integers be palindromes? (ie, -1) If you are thinking of converting the integer to string, note the restriction of using extra space. You could…
#回文数#Method1:将整数转置和原数比较,一样就是回文数:负数不是回文数#这里反转整数时不需要考虑溢出,但不代表如果是C/C++等语言也不需要考虑class Solution(object):    def isPalindrome(self, x):        """        :type x: int        :rtype: bool        """        if x<0:return False    …
目录 题目链接 注意点 解法 小结 题目链接 Palindrome Number - LeetCode 注意点 负数肯定是要return false的 数字的位数要分奇数和偶数两种情况 解法 解法一:将数字转化为字符串,然后对字符串从中间开始往两边拓展比较,要分长度为奇数和偶数的情况.时间复杂度为O(n) class Solution { public: bool isPalindrome(int x) { if(x<0 || (x%10 == 0 && x!=0)) { retur…
我现在在做一个叫<leetbook>的开源书项目,把解题思路都同步更新到github上了,需要的同学可以去看看 地址:https://github.com/hk029/leetcode 这个是书的地址:https://hk029.gitbooks.io/leetbook/ 009. Palindrome Number[E] 问题: Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. 思路 这里说不…
leetcode bug & 9. Palindrome Number bug shit bug "use strict"; /** * * @author xgqfrms * @license MIT * @copyright xgqfrms * @created 2020-07-23 * @modified * * @description 9. Palindrome Number * @difficulty Easy * @complexity O(n) * @augme…
9 - Palindrome Number Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. Some hints: Could negative integers be palindromes? (ie, -1) If you are thinking of converting the integer to string, note the restriction of using extra…
Palindrome Number time=434ms 负数不是回文数 public class Solution { public boolean isPalindrome(int x) { int palindrome=0; int revers=x; if(revers<0) return false; else{ while(revers>0){ int m=revers%10; palindrome=m+palindrome*10; revers=revers/10; } if(p…
9. Palindrome Number 题目: Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. click to show spoilers. Some hints: Could negative integers be palindromes? (ie, -1) If you are thinking of converting the integer to string, note the…
Reverse Integer Reverse digits of an integer. Example1: x = 123, return 321Example2: x = -123, return -321 click to show spoilers. Have you thought about this? Here are some good questions to ask before coding. Bonus points for you if you have alread…
Palindrome Number Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. click to show spoilers. Some hints: Could negative integers be palindromes? (ie, -1) If you are thinking of converting the integer to string, note the restri…
9.Palindrome Number Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. An integer is a palindrome when it reads the same backward as forward. Example 1: Input: 121 Output: true Example 2: Input: -121 Output: false Explanation: From left to right, it reads…
9. Palindrome Number Question: Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. An integer is a palindrome when it reads the same backward as forward. Example 1: Input: 121 Output: true Example 2: Input: -121 Output: false Explanation: From left to righ…
9. Palindrome Number Easy Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. An integer is a palindrome when it reads the same backward as forward. Example 1: Input: 121 Output: true Example 2: Input: -121 Output: false Explanation: From left to right, it…
9. Palindrome Number Easy Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. An integer is a palindrome when it reads the same backward as forward. Example 1: Input: 121 Output: true Example 2: Input: -121 Output: false Explanation: From left to right, it…
Reverse Integer Reverse digits of an integer. Example1: x =  123, return  321 Example2: x = -123, return -321 click to show spoilers. Have you thought about this? Here are some good questions to ask before coding. Bonus points for you if you have alr…
文章转自http://blog.163.com/hljmdjlln@126/blog/static/5473620620120412525181/ 做LC上的题"Palindrome number"时翻到此文章,经过少量修改后如下. 回文数是数学界中的一种有趣的现象.比如121就是一个回文数.回文数的数字互相对应,从中间一个任意一位数字起,左右每隔一个的数字都相等.回文数有许多神奇的规律和奥秘.主要分为读数回文数.平方回文数.乘积回文数以及倒乘回文数. 一.读数回文数 [解释]读数回文…
/* Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. click to show spoilers. Some hints: Could negative integers be palindromes? (ie, -1) If you are thinking of converting the integer to string, note the restriction of using…
9. Palindrome Number Total Accepted: 136330 Total Submissions: 418995 Difficulty: Easy Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. Some hints: Could negative integers be palindromes? (ie, -1) If you are thinking of conv…
主题链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php? pid=5062 Problem Description A positive integer x can represent as (a1a2-akak-a2a1)10 or (a1a2-ak−1akak−1-a2a1)10 of a 10-based notational system, we always call x is a Palindrome Number. If it satisfies 0<…
第一个题目是将整数进行反转,这个题实现反转并不难,主要关键点在于如何进行溢出判断.溢出判断再上一篇字符串转整数中已有介绍,本题采用其中的第三种方法,将数字转为字符串,使用字符串比较大小的方法进行比较. 代码如下: class Solution { public: int reverse(int x) { ]={,,,,,,,,,}; ]; ,flag=; ) flag=; else ) { flag=-; x=-x; } else ; ; ) { getnum[count]=(x%); x=x/…
9. Palindrome Number Total Accepted: 136330 Total Submissions: 418995 Difficulty: Easy Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. Some hints: Could negative integers be palindromes? (ie, -1) If you are thinking of conv…
Palindrome Number Total Accepted: 19369 Total Submissions: 66673My Submissions Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. 推断一个数整数是不是回文?比如121,1221就是回文,好吧,直接利用前面写过的[Leet Code]Reverse Integer--"%"你真的懂吗? 只是这里要考虑翻转后,数值…
Check a positive number is a palindrome or not. A palindrome number is that if you reverse the whole number you will get exactly the same number. Notice It's guaranteed the input number is a 32-bit integer, but after reversion, the number may exceed…
文章转自http://blog.163.com/hljmdjlln@126/blog/static/5473620620120412525181/ 做LC上的题"Palindrome number"时翻到此文章,经过少量修改后如下. 回文数是数学界中的一种有趣的现象.比如121就是一个回文数.回文数的数字互相对应,从中间一个任意一位数字起,左右每隔一个的数字都相等.回文数有许多神奇的规律和奥秘.主要分为读数回文数.平方回文数.乘积回文数以及倒乘回文数. 一.读数回文数 [解释]读数回文…
题目: Determine whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. click to show spoilers. Some hints: Could negative integers be palindromes? (ie, -1) If you are thinking of converting the integer to string, note the restriction of using…