1.三目运算符 对简单的条件语句,可以用三元运算简写.三元运算只能写在一行代码里面 # 书写格式 result = 值1 if 条件 else 值2 # 如果条件成立,那么将 "值1" 赋值给result变量,否则,将"值2"赋值给result变量 result = 'the result if the if succeeds' if True else 'the result if the if fails and falls to the else part'…
1. 可变长参数 在函数中可变长参数分为两种:一种是非关键字参数,表示为元组:一种是关键字参数,表示为字典. 具体看下面的例子代码,相当于单元测试: #!/usr/bin/env python #'this is a example of the unit test' def testit(func,*nkwargs,**kwargs): 'this is the test of the function' try: retval = func(*nkwargs,**kwargs) #调用函数来…
1. Python passes everything the same way, but calling it "by value" or "by reference" will not clear everything up, since Python's semantics are different than the languages for which those terms usually apply. If I was to describe it,…
1. 解析主函数cut Jieba分词包的主函数在jieba文件夹下的__init__.py中,在这个py文件中有个cut的函数,这个就是控制着整个jieba分词包的主函数. cut函数的定义如下:def cut(sentence,cut_all=False,HMM=True): 其给出的官方注释为: '''The main function that segments an entire sentence that contains Chinese characters i…