摘要:简单介绍了如何编写一个FastReport的组件,并且注册到FastReport中使用.   Writing Custom Report Components 编写自定义报表组件 FastReport has a large number of components that can be placed on a report design page. They are: text, picture, line, geometrical figure, OLE, rich text, ba…
Writing Custom DB Engines  编写定制的DB引擎   FastReport can build reports not only with data sourced from a Delphi application but also from data sources (connections to DBs, queries) created within the report itself. FastReport comes with engines for ADO,…
摘要:介绍如何编写自定义的控件,用在报表的窗体上(如Edit,Button等)   Writing Custom Common Controls 编写自定义控件 FastReport contains a set of common controls which can be placed on dialogue forms inside reports. They are as follows: FastReport包含以下控件,用于报表里的对话形式窗体. TfrxLabelControl T…
Writing Custom Wizards  编写自定义的向导   You can extend FastReport's functionality with the help of custom wizards. FastReport, for example, contains the standard "Report Wizard" which is called from the "File >|New-" menu item. There are…
 在开发IOS应用中,当你编写自定义的类时,你会发现很多的特殊场合.当你需要把自定义的行为和数据包装在一起时,自定义的类非常有用.在自定义的类中,你可以定义自己的存储.处理和显示数据的方法. 例如,IOS Clock应用中的World Clock面板.table view中的单元格需要显示比标准table view单元格更多的显示内容.这就是一个很好的机会来实现一个继承了UITableViewCell类的子类,用于在给定的table view单元格中显示更多的自定义内容.如果你正在设计自定义的类…
Using Custom Functions in a Report  在报表中使用自己义函数   FastReport has a large number of built-in standard functions for use in report designs. FastReport also allows custom functions to be written and used. Functions are added using the "FastScript"…
Writing Component Editors  编写组件的编辑器   All common control editors (opened from a control's context menu or by double-clicking) create blank OnClick event handlers by default. This behavior can be altered by writing a custom editor. Also, the custom ed…
原文链接:Kubernetes编写自定义controller 来自kubernetes官方github的一张图: 如图所示,图中的组件分为client-go和custom controller两部分: client-go部分 Reflector: 监视特定资源的k8s api, 把新监测的对象放入Delta Fifo队列,完成此操作的函数是ListAndWatch. Informer: 从Delta Fifo队列拿出对象,完成此操作的函数是processLoop. Indexer: 提供线程级别…
django的模板系统自带了一系列的内建标签和过滤器,一般情况下可以满足你的要求,如果觉得需更精准的模板标签或者过滤器,你可以自己编写模板标签和过滤器,然后使用{% load %}标签使用他们. 代码布局 自定义标签和过滤器必须依赖于一个django app,也就是说,自定义标签和过滤器是绑定app的.该app应该包含一个templatetags目录,这个目录一个和model.py,views.py在同一个层级,记得在该目录下建立一个__init__.py文件一遍django知道这是一个pyth…
What’s in a name All official starters follow a similar naming pattern; spring-boot-starter-*, where * is a particular type of application. This naming structure is intended to help when you need to find a starter. The Maven integration in many IDEs…