How can I output my target message when I using dotnet build in command line. I use command line to create a web api application. dotnet new webapi -o Lindexi Then I edit the Lindexi\Lindexi.csproj and add the message. <Target Name="Lindexi"…
The `game-desktop [Release]` target overrides the `HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS` build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-game-desktop/Pods-game-desktop.release.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation - Use the `$(…
linux编写脚本检测本机链接指定IP段是否畅通,通过ping命令检测指定IP,检测命令执行结果,若为0表示畅通,若为1表示不通,以此判断网络是否畅通,但是指定机器禁用ping命令除外.代码如下: #!/bin/sh for n in `seq 245` //生成序列循环1-245 do ping -c2 192.168.26.$n >/dev/null 2>&1 //ping IP检测网络是否畅通,结果不打印 if [ $? -eq…