[RxJS] Combining Streams with CombineLatest】的更多相关文章

Two streams often need to work together to produce the values you’ll need. This lesson shows how to use an input stream and an interval stream together and push an object with both values through the stream. const Observable = Rx.Observable; const st…
Source: Link We will looking some opreators for combining stream in RxJS: merge combineLatest withLatestFrom concat forkJoin flatMap / switchMap  Merge:  Observable.merge behaves like a "logical OR" to have your stream handle one interaction OR…
This lesson will highlight the true purpose of the zip operator, and how uncommon its use cases are. In its place, we will learn how to use the combineLatest operator. , ); ,); const height$ = Rx.Observable.of(2.8, 2.5); const volume$ = Rx.Observable…
What is the RxJS equivalent of Array reduce? What if I want to emit my reduced or aggregated value at each event? This brief tutorial covers Observable operators reduce() and scan(), their differences and gotchas. In ES5, the Array's reduce function…
A stream will run with each new subscription added to it. This lesson shows the benefits of using share so that the same stream can be shared across multiple subscriptions. const timer$ = starters$ .switchMap(intervalActions) .startWith(data) .scan((…
原文:https://www.jianshu.com/p/16be96d69143 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最近在学习Rxjs,所以借此机会对rxjs知识点进行了一定的整理,用以加深自己对这部分知识的理解和记忆. 简介 Rxjs的内容可以概括为一个核心三个重点,核心就是Observable和Operators,三个重点分别是: observer Su…
我们的前端工程由Angular4升级到Angular6,rxjs也要升级到rxjs6.  rxjs6的语法做了很大的改动,幸亏引入了rxjs-compact包,否则升级工作会无法按时完成. 按照官方的建议,逐步将原rxjs语法改为rxjs6后,要去掉rxjs-compact包. rxjs-compact包无法转换一些语法,我们的工程中没用到这些特性,原rxjs代码可以转为rxjs6. 原文链接:https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000014956260 RxJs 6于…
RAC学习笔记 ReactiveCocoa(简称为RAC),是由Github开源的一个应用于iOS和OS开发的新框架,Cocoa是苹果整套框架的简称,因此很多苹果框架喜欢以Cocoa结尾. 在学习ReactiveCocoa之前,先学习一下概念 ReactiveCocoa 是一套开源的基于Cocoa的FRP框架 .FRP的全称是Functional Reactive Programming,中文译作函数式响应式编程,是RP(Reactive Programm,响应式编程)的FP(Functiona…
http://www.cocoachina.com/ios/20150123/10994.html 本文翻译自RayWenderlich,原文:ReactiveCocoa Tutorial--The Definitive Introduction: Part 1/2 作为一个iOS开发者,你写的每一行代码几乎都是在相应某个事件,例如按钮的点击,收到网络消息,属性的变化(通过KVO)或者用户位置的变化(通过CoreLocation).但是这些事件都用不同的方式来处理,比如action.delega…
使用ReactiveCocoa实现iOS平台响应式编程 ReactiveCocoa和响应式编程 在说ReactiveCocoa之前,先要介绍一下FRP(Functional Reactive Programming,响应式编程),在维基百科中有这样一个样例介绍: 在命令式编程环境中,a = b + c 表示将表达式的结果赋给a,而之后改变b或c的值不会影响a.但在响应式编程中,a的值会随着b或c的更新而更新. Excel就是响应式编程的一个样例.单元格能够包括字面值或类似"=B1+C1″的公式,…
原文:http://www.itiger.me/?p=38 使用ReactiveCocoa实现iOS平台响应式编程 ReactiveCocoa和响应式编程 在说ReactiveCocoa之前,先要介绍一下FRP(Functional Reactive Programming,响应式编程),在维基百科中有这样一个例子介绍: 在命令式编程环境中,a = b + c 表示将表达式的结果赋给a,而之后改变b或c的值不会影响a.但在响应式编程中,a的值会随着b或c的更新而更新. Excel就是响应式编程的…
在学习ReactiveCocoa之前,先学习一下概念 ReactiveCocoa 是一套开源的基于Cocoa的FRP框架 .FRP的全称是Functional Reactive Programming,中文译作函数式响应式编程,是RP(Reactive Programm,响应式编程)的FP(Functional Programming,函数式编程)实现.说起来很拗口.太多的细节不多讨论,我们先关注下FRP的FP特征. 函数式编程 函数式编程,简单来说,就是多使用匿名函数,将逻辑处理过程,以一系列…
原文地址:https://www.infoq.com/articles/rxjava-by-example Key takeaways Reactive programming is a specification for dealing with asynchronous streams of data Reactive provides tools for transforming and combining streams and for managing flow-control Mar…
我们略过概念,直接看函数式响应式编程解决了什么问题. 从下面这个例子展开: 两个密码输入框,一个提交按钮. 密码.确认密码都填写并一致,允许提交:不一致提示错误. HTML 如下: <input id="pwd" placeholder="输入密码" type="password" /><br /> <input id="confirmPwd" placeholder="再次确认&quo…
Angular 2 forms provide RxJS streams for you to work with the data and validity as it flows out of the forms. These streams allow you handle complex scenarios and asynchronous scenarios with relative ease. This example shows you how to log out the va…
Refactoring streams in RxJS is mostly moving pieces of smaller streams around. This lessons demonstrates a simple refactoring by requiring the StopWatch to be more configurable.  Code we have now: const Observable = Rx.Observable; const startButton =…
Splitting a stream into multiple streams causes new subscriptions. You can think of new subscriptions as "invoking a function". So if your original stream makes a request for data, splitting the original stream will make 2 requests for data. The…
The domStreams component property enables you to access Events from your Vue.js templates as Streams insides your subscriptions function. You can then map the Events to other values and stream them back into your Vue.js templates. <template> <sec…
Combining input streams then using scan to track the results is a common scenario when coding with streams. This lesson walks you through setting up two buttons and merging their input events together to build a streaming Counter component. const Cou…
Events are the beginning of most every stream. Recompose provides a createEventHandler function to help your create handler and stream pairs. Once the handler/stream pairs are created, it’s simply a matter of passing the handlers down the stream as p…
While merge is an OR-style combination operator, combineLatest is an AND-style combination operator. This lesson explains what AND-style combination means, and how you can join values from two or more Observables in a formula. At the begin, there is…
This lesson shows why it’s preferable to using withLatestFrom instead of combineLatest in certain scenarios. Timer will continue until you enter the number in the input field: timer$ .do((x)=> console.log(x)) .combineLatest( input$.do((x)=> console.…
You often need to handle multiple user interactions set to different streams. This lesson shows hows Observable.merge behaves like a "logical OR" to have your stream handle one interaction OR another. After click the start buttion, we wnat the l…
Functions created with mapPropsStream canned be composed together to build up powerful streams. Bring in the compose helper from Recompose then simply list your functions in the order you want the props to push through. In the example, we compose thr…
Recompose provides helper functions to stream props using an Observable library of your choice into React. This lesson shows you how to configure Recompose to use RxJS then create a Streaming Component with Recompose’s componentFromStream helper func…
为什么要使用 RxJS RxJS 是一套处理异步编程的 API,那么我将从异步讲起. 前端编程中的异步有:事件(event).AJAX.动画(animation).定时器(timer). 异步常见的问题 回调地狱(Callback Hell) 竞态条件(Race Condition) 内存泄漏(Memory Leak) 管理复杂状态(Manage Complex States) 错误处理(Exception Handling) 回调地狱就是指层层嵌套的回调函数,造成代码难以理解,并且难以协调组织…
原文地址:http://www.moye.me/2016/05/31/learning_rxjs_part_one_preliminary/ 引子 新手们在异步编程里跌倒时,永远会有这么一个经典问题:怎么在一次异步调用里return一个结果啊? 老司机说要用回调函数,然后有条件判断的嵌套回调(回调地狱)问题来了: 老司机推荐用事件,然后异步流程里有顺序依赖: 老司机推荐用Promise,然后有顺序依赖的流程里,居然还想订阅事件: 老司机建议试试协程,谁知对方想要合并两个异步调用: …… 以上,是…
RxJS 博大精深,看了好几篇文章都没有明白. 范围牵扯到了函数响应式开发去了... 我对函数式一知半解, 响应式更是第一次听到... 唉...不过日子还是得过...混着过先呗 我目前所理解的很浅, 大致上是这样的概念. 1.某些场景下它比promise好用, 它善于过滤掉不关心的东西. 2.它是观察者模式 + 迭代器模式组成的 3.跟时间,事件, 变量有密切关系 4.世界上有一种东西叫 "流" stream, 一个流能表示了一段时间里,一样东西发生的变化. 比如有一个值, 它在某段时…
While you have multiple streams flowing into your scan operator, you'll need to map each stream to the specific values you need to update your state the way that you want. This lesson covers using the map operator to determine what the click and inte…
The scan operator in RxJS is the main key to managing values and states in your stream. Scan behaves just as a reduce function would, but scan is able to collect values from streams over time. This lesson covers using startWith to set the initial acc…