Leetcode 226 Invert Binary Tree python】的更多相关文章

题目: Invert a binary tree. 翻转二叉树. 递归,每次对节点的左右节点调用invertTree函数,直到叶节点. python中也没有swap函数,当然你可以写一个,不过python中可以通过:a, b = b, a交换两个变量的值 class Solution(object): def invertTree(self, root): if root == None: return root root.left, root.right = self.invertTree(r…
Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 Trivia:This problem was inspired by this original tweet by Max Howell: Google: 90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you can’t invert a binary tree…
大牛没有能做出来的题,我们要好好做一做 Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 Trivia: This problem was inspired by this original tweet by Max Howell: Google: 90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you can't…
题目要求 Invert a binary tree. 题目分析及思路 给定一棵二叉树,要求每一层的结点逆序.可以使用递归的思想将左右子树互换. python代码 # Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode: #     def __init__(self, x): #         self.val = x #         self.left = None #         self.right = None class S…
Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 class Solution(object): def invertTree(self, root): """ :type root: TreeNode :rtype: TreeNode """ if not root: return root.left, root.right = root.r…
Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 Trivia: This problem was inspired by this original tweet by Max Howell: 解题思路: 递归即可,JAVA实现如下: public TreeNode invertTree(TreeNode root) { if(root==null) return root; TreeNode…
Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 Trivia:This problem was inspired by this original tweet by Max Howell: Google: 90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you can’t invert a binary tree…
题目描述: Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 解题思路: 我只想说递归大法好. 代码如下: /** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode left; * TreeNode right; * TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }…
Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 Trivia:This problem was inspired by this original tweet by Max Howell: Google: 90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you can’t invert a binary tree…
Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 Trivia:This problem was inspired by this original tweet by Max Howell: Google: 90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you can’t invert a binary tree…
Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 Trivia:This problem was inspired by this original tweet by Max Howell: Google: 90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you can’t invert a binary tree…
翻译 将下图中上面的二叉树转换为以下的形式.详细为每一个左孩子节点和右孩子节点互换位置. 原文 如上图 分析 每次关于树的题目出错都在于边界条件上--所以这次细致多想了一遍: void swapNode(TreeNode* tree) { if (tree == NULL || (tree->left == NULL && tree->right == NULL)) {} else if (tree->left == NULL && tree->ri…
交换左右叶子节点 /** * Definition for a binary tree node. * struct TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode *left; * TreeNode *right; * TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {} * }; */ class Solution { public: void swapLR(TreeNode* root){ if(!root) retur…
leetcode 226. Invert Binary Tree 倒置二叉树 思路:分别倒置左边和右边的结点,然后把根结点的左右指针分别指向右左倒置后返回的根结点. # Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode(object): # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # self.left = None # self.right = None class Solution(object): d…
226. Invert Binary Tree Total Accepted: 57653 Total Submissions: 136144 Difficulty: Easy Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 Trivia: This problem was inspired by this original tweet by Max Howell: Google: 90%…
258. Add Digits Digit root 数根问题 /** * @param {number} num * @return {number} */ var addDigits = function(num) { var b = (num-1) % 9 + 1 ; return b; }; //之所以num要-1再+1;是因为特殊情况下:当num是9的倍数时,0+9的数字根和0的数字根不同. 性质说明 1.任何数加9的数字根还是它本身.(特殊情况num=0)        小学学加法的…
版权声明: 本文为博主Bravo Yeung(知乎UserName同名)的原创文章,欲转载请先私信获博主允许,转载时请附上网址 http://blog.csdn.net/lzuacm. C#版 - 226. Invert Binary Tree - 题解 在线提交: https://leetcode.com/problems/invert-binary-tree/ 或 http://www.nowcoder.com/practice/564f4c26aa584921bc75623e48ca301…
226. Invert Binary Tree Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 代码实现 /** * Definition for a binary tree node. * struct TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode *left; * TreeNode *right; * TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NU…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 递归 迭代 日期 题目地址: https://leetcode.com/problems/invert-binary-tree/ 题目描述 Invert a binary tree. Example: Input: 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 Output: 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 Trivia:…
Invert a binary tree. Example: Input: 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 Output: 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 Trivia:This problem was inspired by this original tweet by Max Howell: Google: 90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you can’t…
#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # Definition for a binary tree node.# class TreeNode(object):#     def __init__(self, x):#         self.val = x#         self.left = None#         self.right = Noneclass Solution(object):    def invertTree(self, root):        i…
一天一道LeetCode 本系列文章已全部上传至我的github,地址:ZeeCoder's Github 欢迎大家关注我的新浪微博,我的新浪微博 欢迎转载,转载请注明出处 (一)题目 来源:https://leetcode.com/problems/invert-binary-tree/ Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 (二)解题 题目大意:将一个二叉树倒置.即每个节点的左…
------------------------------------- 反转树的基本操作. 可是下面那句话是什么鬼啊,这么牛掰的人都会有这种遭遇,确实抚慰了一点最近面试被拒的忧伤..... AC代码: /** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode left; * TreeNode right; * TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } * }…
Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9          to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1   Notice: Google: 90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you can’t invert a binary tree on a whiteboard so fuck off.   Solution: recursion…
Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 Trivia:This problem was inspired by this original tweet by Max Howell: Google: 90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you can’t invert a binary tree…
# Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode(object): # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # self.left = None # self.right = None class Solution(object): def invertTree(self, root): """ :type root: TreeNode :rtype: TreeNode &quo…
Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1即反转二叉树,代码如下: /** * Definition for a binary tree node. * struct TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode *left; * TreeNode *right; * TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL)…
题目: Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 思路分析: 题意是将二叉树全部左右子数对调,如上图所看到的. 详细做法是,先递归处理左右子树,然后将当前的左右子树对调. 代码实现: /** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode left; * TreeN…
[抄题]: Invert a binary tree. 4 / \ 2 7 / \ / \ 1 3 6 9 to 4 / \ 7 2 / \ / \ 9 6 3 1 [暴力解法]: 时间分析: 空间分析: [奇葩输出条件]: [奇葩corner case]: [思维问题]: 以为要分为r.r = l.l, r.l = l.r来讨论,但是其实这样只能最后判断相等.翻转是每一步都要进行的动作,应该尽早开始 [一句话思路]: [输入量]:空: 正常情况:特大:特小:程序里处理到的特殊情况:异常情况(不…