官方安装文档 http://www.keepalived.org/doc/installing_keepalived.html Installing Keepalived Install keepalived from the distribution’s repositories or, alternatively, compile from source. Although installing from the repositories is generally the fastest w…
Daphile 安装手册(Daphile Installation) 英文原文:https://www.daphile.com/download/DaphileInstallation.pdf 采集日期:2021-01-01 快速入门指南(Quick start guide) 下载 Daphile ISO 文件 用 USBWriter 或其他类似软件将此 ISO 文件写入 USB 闪存盘 从 USB 闪存盘将 Daphile PC 启动起来 通过 Web 浏览器访问 Daphile PC 请用…