Master类位置所在:spark-core_2.11-2.1.0.jar的org.apache.spark.deploy.master下的Master类 /** * driver调度机制原理代码分析Schedule the currently available resources among waiting apps. This method will be called * every time a new app joins or resource availability change…
上篇文章 小记了: 关于 Poco::TCPServer框架 (windows 下使用的是 select模型) 学习笔记. 这儿继续学习下,poco在linux 下用cmake 编译. 从文档开始编译出错 从poco的 README 文件上可知: " BUILDING ON UNIX/LINUX/MAC OS X=============================== For building o…
临时处理一个Numpy的二进制文件,分析知道里面是dict类型,简单小记一下,如果Numpy和Python基础不熟悉可以看我之前写的文章 In [1]: %%time import numpy as np Wall time: 135 ms In [2]: %%time import pandas as pd Wall time: 351 ms In [3]: %%time df = pd.DataFrame(np.load("data.npy")) # 通过narry创建Da…
logstash 学习小记 标签(空格分隔): 日志收集 Introduce Logstash is a tool for managing events and logs. You can use it to collect logs, parse them, and store them for later use (like, for searching). – 自从2013年logstash被ES公司收购之后,ELK stask正式称为官方用语.非…